Monday, November 30, 2009

Phenergan More Drug_uses


1 / 3 of NeHoLePallePiene
1 / 3 of 'E' now that I think a bit 'more' to me "
1 / 3 of" Just with complaints about unnecessary

Shake in a cocktail shaker and strain into a flute glass.

If everything 'preceded by a kiss (albeit virtual) cocktail do best ...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Montell Jordan Colorectal Cancer


More 'I get, the more' everything seems like a joke in bad taste ... ... often

Most of the men if he hears a female
knowledge has a 'single question: "' bona?"

Today I passed a huge beauty center, four stained glass windows without curtains.
Inside was full of women.
I wondered why 'were there'.
I asked myself 'if you' ...

Advertising Facebook: "Know the right woman for you. Participate in events, parties and fun events. Your awaits you in your town!" ... I had the wrong city?!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Brain Tumor Treatment More Condition_symptoms


No signal.

no doubt I was wrong to think potermela get without a manual.

is said to be a typical feature male apparently too presumptuous, too arrogant
, always ready to think, 'What will be' ever so 'complicated ...'.

I think I've done everything within my ability ', but apparently to no avail.

Yet I had heard on the grapevine that many had found themselves in difficulty '.

Tipico caso di sottovalutazione del problema.

Ed in piu' mi rendo conto che anni di analisi non servono a nulla.

Gia', ma sto parlando di informatica, quindi come potevano tornarmi utili ?

Cerco su Internet.

Qualcuno che ha avuto lo stesso problema potrebbe aver pensato di renderne pubblica la soluzione.

Dopo piu' di un' ora comincio a perdere la speranza di trovare informazioni utili.

Non puo' essere, sicuramente non sono il primo al mondo ad essermi imbattuto in qualcosa del genere.

Proprio mentre penso di desistere ... un sito in una lingua semisconosciuta
sembra riportare una possibile soluzione.

Seleziono il tutto e I pass it to another site for an attempt at translation.

It 's not just the maximum of understandable, but better than nothing.

A one proposed could get there by myself, but thought it was not enough.

In fact, even in this note and 'wrote that the success is not guaranteed.

But now, to the point where I find myself, I might as well try ...

I go, and having cleared his voice punctuates the few good words:

' What do you want from me?'

Silence ...

Avra \u200b\u200b'understand?!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lymphadenitis More Condition_treatment

exchange ideas

end of a conversation between myself and my mother.

"See, now to try to understand how things are in a relationship can not
'thinking as they once did. And' changed everything ... or at least it seems.
If they hear of all the colors ..."

"By the way, but you heard and what 'happened to Paul Brosio?"

few seconds, but endless.

I gave the best of myself, never having attended a course of biofeedback.

What is left of my mind in one area tends to 'infinitesimal had:

a) try to figure out who was the named type
b) avoid stress that I do not follow the news in the VUP (Very Useless People)
c ) recalled that he had received an education

ma soprattutto, una volta risolti i tre punti appena elencati

d) tradurre il "Ma chi se l' incula a Brosio ?" in "No. Se proprio non ne puoi fare a meno, dimmi ..."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quotes Wedding Program Family


Da quando
mi ha fatto notare
una parte femminile
della personalita'
inizio a sentire
dentro di me
una voce

I gusti
non sono cambiati
ma il mio modo
di agire
ogni tanto
mi lascia
perplesso ...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Store Coupons For Nutro Dog Food

Tonight we talk about women

Argomento che mi interessa da una vita.

Scottante, in tutti i sensi.

It would write encyclopedic volumes, but the risk of boring walking together to the risk of finding myself without
'public' women, and this eventuality 'a little' I'm sorry.

From an early age ... no, not really ... right from 'adolescence ... no, I have gone too far then a

So, at some point in my life, a time in elementary, I began to interact with the so-called
opposite sex.

helped a classmate very shy to write what the teacher gave us,
and I remember that she could not talk with me.
Then there was another girl, Assunta, who blushed every time he spoke to her. I remember
also that the fourth year coming 'a beautiful little girl, and for the first time
I realized how you can reduce men in certain circumstances, even if it was then
men in the making.

In middle school my class was only men, so few and infrequent trips home
small parties were the only opportunities to experience hormonal disruptions and heartbeats acceleratissimi.

In high school the situation of mixed class caused the first problems.
In the meantime I had undergone a process of infantozzianamento, which made me
often incapable of taking any action.
My classmate was even more 'timid to me (never mind ...) and therefore do not become
never as a couple in either of the two ventured ever decide to do so.

ended up in the third year I went with another classmate, or rather, she did everything.
curious fact that for the first two years I had not ever considered, while
his part (as she later told me) the feeling was overwhelming to me
the detestable.
In all: how to dress, my political views, for as I walked ... I never
asked if she liked least as I breathed, who knows ...
But suddenly she changed her mind and she felt attracted.

Me made him understand in a very indirect, an afternoon that had come to me to study.

few years later, finished the story in a way that has left its mark for a long time, I began an affair with the 'summer of my sister's friend.
In that case, previously there were only a ping-pong games, some board games and nothing more '.
I realized that the situation had changed when he invited me to her (no more 'easy, lived on the floor above)
one day that the mother was temporarily out.
The mother was very present in the coming years, especially since his daughter did nothing but
pointed out, in words, because she was different from her mother.

The third seal came with a girl he met at a New Year's celebration, I was single
(allora si diceva 'io stavo da solo') e lei no.
Ma a quanto pare il suo rapporto era oramai agli sgoccioli, e con una serie di sotterfugi riusci' ad
avere il mio numero di telefono e mi chiese un appuntamento serale all' uscita dal mio posto di lavoro.
L' appuntamento andò bene.
Un pò meno comincio' ad andare a partire dal secondo anno.
Non mi era mai capitato di litigare con una ragazza durante le vacanze.
Dodici anni dopo che ci eravamo lasciati, in altro modo rocambolesco, riusci' ad avere il numero
di telefono del posto dove lavoravo e mi chiamò con una naturalezza ... come se fosse passata
una settimana dall' ultima volta che ci eravamo sentiti.

Questa sera, girando downtown for libraries, I read an aphorism of Gesualdo Bufalino.

" doubt remains, after much debate, whether women prefer to be taken, including or surprises." Sorry if you do

of you, but as I understand ...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Zero Turn Mowers Work


I had half my age today.
And I read a book by an Italian writer, rather famous,
talking about men.
I liked the style, I had rice for many of his observations,
but did not agree with his general point of view.

I found it too negative, uncompromising, all from the same brush.

I wrote, then maybe there in the Web fantasia di Tim Berners-Lee,
quindi niente e-mail.

Una lettera molto lunga, sei pagine fitte fitte che si concludevano con la
mia firma ed il numero di telefono (il fisso, quello dei miei, vivevo ancora da loro).

Dopo qualche giorno arriva una chiamata, risponde come al solito mia madre
e mi fa "C'e' una certa .... che vorrebbe parlare con te".

Non pensai ad uno scherzo solo perchè nessuno sapeva della lettera,
e ben presto capii che dall' altra parte c'era proprio lei.

Fu breve e gentilissima, mi disse che era interessata a parlare con me
di quanto le avevo scritto e che l'indomani a casa sua c'era una cena con
degli amici, quindi se I wanted to be his guest.

There 's need for me to describe how I feel just after the call?

I remember I got a bit 'late, by both the media and the fear that I had fucked.
I do not think all day that a 25 year old, virtually unknown, will be invited to dinner by a writer
more 'than him in every way.

arrived at 'penthouse with pressure at 200 and a bouquet of roses in hand.
I opened it, splendid, and introduced me to friends who were already 'at the table. They were all

's editorial environment, journalists and critics of the show.
was also a note signed by a newspaper of the most 'popular.

total embarrassment of myself, and for the difference of age for not having a specific role
in such a circumstance.

I remember that from time to time, for me to participate in the discussions, I asked for an opinion
quality 'of "young". For example, I asked if I liked Toto.
The answer left them perplexed. Totò appreciated, then, the dramatic roles.
I said that I had loved in the film by Pasolini.

The evening ended late, it was a Friday 'or Saturday then the next day did not work.
I stayed a night with her on the sofa in front of where we had dinner.
That sounds so simple ... The next day
breakfast for later in the evening and before I left.

time ago I was in my mother's house.
She, unlike the child, is not ashamed to see programs on TV
That day was one of the usual talk-show and called me to ask if the writer
host was the same that I had known.
was her. The lady 'was very fascinating.

I removed completely, I swear, as it ended.
Surely we met again, and most likely there was a big fight.

So when it came to discussing, I pulled back.
now prefer to avoid, neglect before.

Anyway, the differences, distances, those marked, continue to bother me ...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Different Types Of Church Services

Pleasant day

The pharmacist was speaking.
Three days to the order without a prescription.
I know, thinks I'm something reliable ... poor thing.

I said "Look who is still at an experimental stage, more often than not."
I had the best look like a good ex-boyfriend, and myself has failed.
I left with the package in his pocket and a smile veiled.

time to get home, turn on your laptop, connect to the network and the game was done.

I have discarded the packaging is completely anonymous.
Grapefruit juice for the first three pills to swallow. Short
vodka frozen for the fourth. Contact

New Zealand did not lie, the password is correct.
The link brings me to a site even more anonymous outlet box in the pharmacy.
Download photos from your laptop and share the smartphone category.
Enter the portion of the database of my memories and my desires.

"Good evening, Father," whispers a perfect synthetic female voice.
"Hello" I say, even if he can not hear me.
will be education, or starting the pills to take effect ...

The simple menu asking me to choose between different kinds of pleasure.

Tonight I need tenderness.

' Processing ... '

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Should I Wax Before Or After Shower

Mi chiedo come potrei definire il poter conoscere qualcuno con pochi click di mouse.

Ognuno è libero di suicidarsi come vuole. C'è chi lo fa con il gas, chi preferisce il veleno, chi si spara, chi guarda la televisione ...

Sono di passaggio. In questo sono uguale agli altri.

Dovevamo morire tutti di AIDS, mucca pazza e aviaria ... Ora c'e' la suina ... Qualcuno ha dimenticato che sono molto piu' "diffusi" infarti, incidenti stradali e morti sul lavoro.

Avere 50 anni e non sentirseli addosso ...

Le lunghe storie o sono belle o sono questioni mai risolte.

Essere considerati folli offre a priceless freedom.