Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Zero Turn Mowers Work


I had half my age today.
And I read a book by an Italian writer, rather famous,
talking about men.
I liked the style, I had rice for many of his observations,
but did not agree with his general point of view.

I found it too negative, uncompromising, all from the same brush.

I wrote, then maybe there in the Web fantasia di Tim Berners-Lee,
quindi niente e-mail.

Una lettera molto lunga, sei pagine fitte fitte che si concludevano con la
mia firma ed il numero di telefono (il fisso, quello dei miei, vivevo ancora da loro).

Dopo qualche giorno arriva una chiamata, risponde come al solito mia madre
e mi fa "C'e' una certa .... che vorrebbe parlare con te".

Non pensai ad uno scherzo solo perchè nessuno sapeva della lettera,
e ben presto capii che dall' altra parte c'era proprio lei.

Fu breve e gentilissima, mi disse che era interessata a parlare con me
di quanto le avevo scritto e che l'indomani a casa sua c'era una cena con
degli amici, quindi se I wanted to be his guest.

There 's need for me to describe how I feel just after the call?

I remember I got a bit 'late, by both the media and the fear that I had fucked.
I do not think all day that a 25 year old, virtually unknown, will be invited to dinner by a writer
more 'than him in every way.

arrived at 'penthouse with pressure at 200 and a bouquet of roses in hand.
I opened it, splendid, and introduced me to friends who were already 'at the table. They were all

's editorial environment, journalists and critics of the show.
was also a note signed by a newspaper of the most 'popular.

total embarrassment of myself, and for the difference of age for not having a specific role
in such a circumstance.

I remember that from time to time, for me to participate in the discussions, I asked for an opinion
quality 'of "young". For example, I asked if I liked Toto.
The answer left them perplexed. Totò appreciated, then, the dramatic roles.
I said that I had loved in the film by Pasolini.

The evening ended late, it was a Friday 'or Saturday then the next day did not work.
I stayed a night with her on the sofa in front of where we had dinner.
That sounds so simple ... The next day
breakfast for later in the evening and before I left.

time ago I was in my mother's house.
She, unlike the child, is not ashamed to see programs on TV
That day was one of the usual talk-show and called me to ask if the writer
host was the same that I had known.
was her. The lady 'was very fascinating.

I removed completely, I swear, as it ended.
Surely we met again, and most likely there was a big fight.

So when it came to discussing, I pulled back.
now prefer to avoid, neglect before.

Anyway, the differences, distances, those marked, continue to bother me ...


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