Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Pokemon Silver Gameshark Cheats
Hi friends! past a Merry Christmas?? I certainly hope so ... I have spent as usual in family soo ... we were seventeen the evening before ... it's always nice to find ... even if the Christmas Day and St. My husband Stephen has worked ... but that's okay ... now we are used cosìì
I wanted to show some of the work that I promised you I would show you ....
this tent I made for friends who have opened qualke days before Christmas, a wonderful pastry (Noto, my hometown), although the photo does not do very well .....( I realized the central recovering that there is a large tiled in pastry)
these are two plaid-pillow ordered by a girl where she wanted to put the pillow pictures with two friends, practically is a beautiful pillow that turns into a warm, open and throws the pocket can be used to put my feet in the warmth, and then do not get messy folds and that's a fantastic pillow!
... this clutch that I felt grossed together with the spiral-shaped earrings that reflect one of the great clutch
is all for tonight see you soon ...
you remember my candy ending December 31
kisses Velia
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Drivers Lisence Template
Panettone and mountain disenchanted
The boy, hidden behind a curtain, light excited diners.
Behind him, more worried, is the chef: the cake will not succeed if the consequences will be disastrous! But success is unanimous that the diners are clamoring for the landlord to know the author of that extraordinary big bread that nobody before has ever tasted.
The boy, frightened and confused, is blowing in the room and greeted with applause.
What's your name? - Asked Ludovico il Moro.
My name is Toni - the boy answered, blushing.
In the general confusion he feels distinctly a voice
call this sweet "pan del Toni"!
And here, the panettone, the famous Milanese sweet.
Here is a link from which I drew the legend: http://www.poesie.reportonline.it/racconti-di-natale/la-leggenda-del-panettone.html
E' tempo di festività e di tradizioni. Winter makes us feel more comfortable in the warmth of our homes and enjoy the rituals of the Christmas holidays with all kinds of cuisines and delicacies with friends and our loved ones. Delicatessen delicacies and has already spoken on the previous posting in Cremona Marshall related the story of Bianca Maria Visconti.
The food is an expression of the tradition of the people and even of religious rites. In the case of pastries, you should say that at times mimics nature, much more than nature does not imitate the pastry. As the traditional panettone, who was born in Milan, then spread throughout Italy and worldwide. What makes us think first of the cake? A a mountain, or plateau . Or maybe even in the same cathedral, in a more free-range and stylized. And since the Gothic cathedrals were imitating the verticality of the mountains with their peaks and their peaks, this is when the transitive property, if the cathedral mimics the mountain and the cake mimics the cathedral, then the cake is directed , son of the mountain. He spoke about the funny storyteller Philippe Daverio in a broadcast on Rai 3 of serie " Notturno con panettone " che fece per l'appunto un viaggio nei dipinti del paesaggio montano, abbinato al più famoso dolce natalizio, in un divertissement intitolato " Il panettone e la montagna disincantata ".
Ricordo pure la sua variante veneta del pandoro con l'immancabile dolce spolverata di zucchero a velo, simile al coccuzzolo innevato di un monte. Panettone o Pandoro? Questo è il problema. Personalmente opto per il primo, perché più ricco a vedersi, con canditi e uvetta.
The lower and the unleavened pandolce Genoa with the addition of pine nuts over the candy, but frankly, even though yours truly was born in Liguria, have never been able to appreciate the hardness of the dough. Not bad if you have the Genoese, but I find it a bit ' gnucco . Then there are the bread with candied gingerbread as Siena, but here we depart from the legend of the mountain to go down in the coastal regions.
On the origins of panettone are told many legends. It seems that arises from an error of levitation.
The Legend of cake I had chosen, leads us to corte di Ludovico il Moro, Signore di Milano.
È un giorno di festa, stanno per giungere numerosi invitati e tutto e pronto per ricevere gli ospiti.
Nelle cucine c'è un grande andirivieni di cuochi, sguatteri, valletti...
Il pranzo. ha inizio.
Sulle tavole sontuosamente imbandite vengono servite le prime portate: carni arrostite, cacciagione, pollame, pasticci carichi di spezie... il tutto tra canti, risa, musiche, esibizioni di giocolieri.
Nelle cucine, intanto, il capocuoco sta vivendo un piccolo dramma: il dolce, preparato con infinita cura, e riuscito male e se ne sta afflosciato on a large tray of silver.
No one knows how to fix the "crime"! Only a garbage boy named Toni, do not lose heart: up his sleeves and mix in a hurry in a large pan bread made of flour, yeast, eggs, butter, sugar, candied fruit and spices. When
already going to bake bread, she discovers a container full of raisins and that also adds to the mix.
While the rooms are served the last dish, the bread in the oven Yeast, takes a golden brown and spread around a delightful fragrance.
is the time to serve dessert. The boy, hidden behind a curtain, light excited diners.
Behind him, more worried, is the chef: the cake will not succeed if the consequences will be disastrous! But success is unanimous that the diners are clamoring for the landlord to know the author of that extraordinary big bread that nobody before has ever tasted.
The boy, frightened and confused, is blowing in the room and greeted with applause.
What's your name? - Asked Ludovico il Moro.
My name is Toni - the boy answered, blushing.
In the general confusion he feels distinctly a voice
call this sweet "pan del Toni"!
And here, the panettone, the famous Milanese sweet.
Here is a link from which I drew the legend: http://www.poesie.reportonline.it/racconti-di-natale/la-leggenda-del-panettone.html
While history and legend of Pandora is intimately tied to the history of Verona, and his princes and his lordship Scala, but Austro-Hungarian tradition. Already known in the period of the Hapsburgs, the Austro-Hungarian lovers and nostalgia of the United Franz Josef Pandora's claim that the source is nothing but a rethink on the " Vienna bread." Perhaps, among the various versions of the birth of blond Pandora, the more reliable it is the Austro-Hungarian one. In fact, in 1800 the most renowned pastry chefs, especially in the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, were those of Austria.
But back to the Pan Toni . Never mind if a piece of cake contains 360 calories. After the holidays, we will all on a diet. But above all, taste is inevitable accompaniment to the excellent moscato, or a fine sparkling wine (sweet or dry) or very good vintage champagne for a toast. To all friends, visitors and the Hesperides who are already on holiday, I wish, therefore, a Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Replacements Hienta
last deliveries
Hi friends, today I think I can have a few moments more for me and my family and why not for my home that is ..... with a battlefield today (tonight is the latest to withdraw commissions) I ended with renditions of Christmas, I show you a small part of what I made ..... I promise you that the other gradually post it .......
an angel, tip for the Christmas tree, as to be able to take pide I put a cone of felt ......
... as you can see I'm fans with the felt ...... and I realized the needle cover in many different ways and this is one that I managed to photograph:
this little crib with bells made of terracotta jars
and this is one of many parcels that many of us have prepared for the various swap: This is a heart
Now I do my most sincere Merry Christmas to you all dear friends .... and that this Christmas brings us all houses much serenity, prosperity, health!! BACI
Hi friends, today I think I can have a few moments more for me and my family and why not for my home that is ..... with a battlefield today (tonight is the latest to withdraw commissions) I ended with renditions of Christmas, I show you a small part of what I made ..... I promise you that the other gradually post it .......
an angel, tip for the Christmas tree, as to be able to take pide I put a cone of felt ......
... as you can see I'm fans with the felt ...... and I realized the needle cover in many different ways and this is one that I managed to photograph:
this little crib with bells made of terracotta jars
and this is one of many parcels that many of us have prepared for the various swap: This is a heart
Now I do my most sincere Merry Christmas to you all dear friends .... and that this Christmas brings us all houses much serenity, prosperity, health!! BACI
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Polymyositis Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Bianca Maria Visconti
Abbiategrasso Castle (I) from the site medieval world
and monitoring of the Dome and, from site Tripadvisor.it
A nice pot of mustard from Dondi collection. It's not advertisements: given to me years ago, is empty, and jealously guards. The facsimile of the photo is taken from the site Demar Food .
Cremona, Festival Torrone, site Marcopolo TV
Last slide: part of the quiz, and I know nothing.
the morning of October 25, 1441, along the road leading to the Church of San Sigismondo on the outskirts of Cremona , the entire population had crowded along the streets to celebrate the passage of the wedding procession. For security groom Francesco Sforza, he chose that church in the suburbs, instead of the more prestigious Duomo di Cremona. Bianca Maria Visconti had ringed , his bride for the past 12 years.
The age gap between spouses, age 40 he 17, she had put in serious doubt, one of the malicious and envious, the estate of that union. Instead, in spite, he was happy and lasting union, by the presence of eight children.
Bianca Maria was the only legitimate daughter of Filippo Maria Visconti, the only one, then, that would have been entitled to succeed to the throne. Except that, because of a legacy bequeathed by the great-grandfather, but not found, the kingdom would have to pass from father to son, but only by men. Francis was the natural son of James Attendoli, one of the most famous Italian soldiers of fortune, who had earned the nickname Sforza his weapon master, for the tenacious resistance. The Visconti, unable to get legitimate sons, and since you could pass on the throne only to male line, had seen fit to adopt Francis, then making him marry his daughter. So I promised to marry when she was still only five years, while he was already grown man of twenty-eight years. While waiting for the daughter growing up was ready for the wedding, thought well to relegate her and her mother, his wife, the castle of Be (la futura Abbiategrasso); questo era considerato più sicuro, rispetto la rocca milanese, e pressoché inespugnabile dai soventi attacchi del popolo, provocati da una sua politica spesso vessatoria. Il Castello di Milano, conosciuto all'epoca come Rocca di Porta Giovia, era stato costruito dal nonno di Filippo Maria, Galeazzo II Visconti , negli anni 1358 - 1368; La ricostruzione operata da Francesco Sforza dopo il 1450, in seguito alla devastazione operata dal popolo nel 1447, subito dopo la morte di Filippo Maria Visconti , lo ha portata ad essere quello che è universalmente conosciuto col roboante nome di CASTELLO SFORZESCO . Per inciso, Galeazzo II è also the one to which you must build two works symbol of Pavia: the Visconti Castle el ' Università degli Studi .
But since the Duke's Castle Have not considered very safe, comfortable and just decided to reinforce it, making also set up the rooms that were worthy of welcome his daughter, in the company of his wife. When everything was ready, the engagement took place by proxy between White and Francesco thirty-seven years, and the two women left for the castle you might have. The engaged couple had not seen or known, and neither will you until the day of marriage, what will happen when she will have completed 17 years, l'età minima ritenuta conveniente per un matrimonio regale.
La figlia visse così i dieci anni di trepida attesa, racchiusa tra possenti mura, sognando il suo bel principe azzurro. Venne così il giorno fatidico del pronunciamento. L'umanista Marco Antonio Coccio, soprannominato Sabellico , che, quarant'anni dopo i fatti ebbe a narrare di quel rito nuziale, era perfino informato del discorso che Francesco fece alla fidanzata: " Confesso d'essere entrato in asprissima guerra per mostrare che tutto quello che facevo era per amor vostro; certo io deliberai con animo caldo di morire non potendo acquistarvi. Non cercavo d'offendervi ma di difender me, perchè il duca non mi facesse ingiuria: ora io gli dono la pace e benché mi vediate cinto d'armi pensate d'esser mandata a un quieto et amorevolissimo sposo". Parole di quel discorso e l'accenno alle armi di cui era cinto nel giorno del matrimonio, sono indicative del periodo burrascoso vissuto dallo sposo, e da tutti in generale, durante quel periodo prematrimoniale di dieci anni; un periodo burrascoso dovuto anche al carattere alquanto instabile del duca padre, che sfociava in un andirivieni continuo di promesse e rimangiamenti nel concedergli la figlia in sposa; e le armi di cui era cinto sono il segno evidente che anche quel giorno, pur essendo a casa della sua promessa sposa (Cremona era il suo piccolo regno, che aveva ricevuto in dono dal padre, quando era ancora in tenera età), temendo ritorsioni and ambushes by potential assassins sent from the future father-in place (the choice at the last minute of that church out of reach for the time - located practically in the middle of a campaign - instead of the more prestigious Cathedral, located in the middle of this a series of paths, which would have facilitated the escape of the hitmen possible, returned to the strategy of self-defense personnel). However, more than those words of Francis were probably his warm voice and intonation to heat up for a White unmistakable message: the story that began between them, would st ata a love story.
followed the ceremony, told emphatically by the press. The bride, dressed in red, bridal and even color of the zodiac, for those born under the sign of Aries, as she had come riding a white horse from the golden mantle. The groom, according to historian John Simonetta , author of Sforziade, testifies that Francis made the journey that led him to the church, preceded by two thousand horsemen teams in a very ornate gold and silver, all made up captains, commanders and team leaders.
After the ceremony, the festivities began, culminating in the sumptuous wedding feast. Guests of high rank, bearing rich gifts had come from all over the Peninsula. Towards the end of the banquet, for the first time in history, in honor of the royal couple had been brought to the table an exquisitely sweet taste again, that the people had racked my brains in devising unison. It was packaged in the shape of the famous bell tower of Cremona, the Torrazzo: Torrone was born.
So far the story, hence the action unfolds mixed with a little imagination staff.
And I like to imagine that the banquet was served in other specialties, which became a classic of 'culinary Cremonese the Salame di Cremona and Sbrisolona . It was almost certainly brought to the table instead of the already classic Mustard Cremona , known at that time for almost two centuries. They had in fact developed the monks of the thirteenth century, scattered in monasteries, so many in the countryside. Looking at ways to keep as long as possible the summer fruits, they had carefully developed the original recipe. So from those early days, cherries, peaches, apricots, pears, figs, melons, etc.., Even if their taste is covered, almost hidden by the strong and pungent taste of mustard, they were able to enjoy it for the rest of ' year.
Of course, here in passing, it should be noted che Bianca Maria Visconti Sforza è stata benevolmente ricordata molto a lungo nella memoria dei cremonesi.
Al termine del banchetto iniziarono balli, gare, sfide, tornei che si protrassero per giorni e giorni, e rimaste impresse nella memoria popolare. La gente, dopo anni e anni di battaglie, di cui erano state teatri quelle campagne, aveva voglia di dimenticare, divertendosi. I ricordi lasciati da quella festa ebbero un tale potere mnemonico che ancora generazioni dopo un cr onista lodigiano ebbe a scrivere: " Fuori Cremona si ballava ... il conte Francesco l'aveva per mano e fu fatta allora quella canzone che dice "Quando per la mano fu presa sotto Cremona" e "Come la bala ben". Un viandante che had wandered to the countries and for those campaigns in decades, perhaps centuries later, would surely feel humming by construction workers and the earth. To recall those days of celebration, for some years, in the second half of November, takes place in Cremona Day Torrone .
And now, Wishing you a Merry Christmas, you sottoporrei kindly to a quiz. This would identify the author and the place where you stored the picture below. E 'Christmas picture with Madonna and Child Jesus, who receive a visit from someone. The quiz has been submitted to the group of university recreation, our readers. They turned to me, hoping they can help. Someone might suggest the answers? Bibliography: The Lady of Milan, Daniela Pizzagalli, BUR Rizzoli, January 2009
The age gap between spouses, age 40 he 17, she had put in serious doubt, one of the malicious and envious, the estate of that union. Instead, in spite, he was happy and lasting union, by the presence of eight children.
Bianca Maria was the only legitimate daughter of Filippo Maria Visconti, the only one, then, that would have been entitled to succeed to the throne. Except that, because of a legacy bequeathed by the great-grandfather, but not found, the kingdom would have to pass from father to son, but only by men. Francis was the natural son of James Attendoli, one of the most famous Italian soldiers of fortune, who had earned the nickname Sforza his weapon master, for the tenacious resistance. The Visconti, unable to get legitimate sons, and since you could pass on the throne only to male line, had seen fit to adopt Francis, then making him marry his daughter. So I promised to marry when she was still only five years, while he was already grown man of twenty-eight years. While waiting for the daughter growing up was ready for the wedding, thought well to relegate her and her mother, his wife, the castle of Be (la futura Abbiategrasso); questo era considerato più sicuro, rispetto la rocca milanese, e pressoché inespugnabile dai soventi attacchi del popolo, provocati da una sua politica spesso vessatoria. Il Castello di Milano, conosciuto all'epoca come Rocca di Porta Giovia, era stato costruito dal nonno di Filippo Maria, Galeazzo II Visconti , negli anni 1358 - 1368; La ricostruzione operata da Francesco Sforza dopo il 1450, in seguito alla devastazione operata dal popolo nel 1447, subito dopo la morte di Filippo Maria Visconti , lo ha portata ad essere quello che è universalmente conosciuto col roboante nome di CASTELLO SFORZESCO . Per inciso, Galeazzo II è also the one to which you must build two works symbol of Pavia: the Visconti Castle el ' Università degli Studi .
But since the Duke's Castle Have not considered very safe, comfortable and just decided to reinforce it, making also set up the rooms that were worthy of welcome his daughter, in the company of his wife. When everything was ready, the engagement took place by proxy between White and Francesco thirty-seven years, and the two women left for the castle you might have. The engaged couple had not seen or known, and neither will you until the day of marriage, what will happen when she will have completed 17 years, l'età minima ritenuta conveniente per un matrimonio regale.
La figlia visse così i dieci anni di trepida attesa, racchiusa tra possenti mura, sognando il suo bel principe azzurro. Venne così il giorno fatidico del pronunciamento. L'umanista Marco Antonio Coccio, soprannominato Sabellico , che, quarant'anni dopo i fatti ebbe a narrare di quel rito nuziale, era perfino informato del discorso che Francesco fece alla fidanzata: " Confesso d'essere entrato in asprissima guerra per mostrare che tutto quello che facevo era per amor vostro; certo io deliberai con animo caldo di morire non potendo acquistarvi. Non cercavo d'offendervi ma di difender me, perchè il duca non mi facesse ingiuria: ora io gli dono la pace e benché mi vediate cinto d'armi pensate d'esser mandata a un quieto et amorevolissimo sposo". Parole di quel discorso e l'accenno alle armi di cui era cinto nel giorno del matrimonio, sono indicative del periodo burrascoso vissuto dallo sposo, e da tutti in generale, durante quel periodo prematrimoniale di dieci anni; un periodo burrascoso dovuto anche al carattere alquanto instabile del duca padre, che sfociava in un andirivieni continuo di promesse e rimangiamenti nel concedergli la figlia in sposa; e le armi di cui era cinto sono il segno evidente che anche quel giorno, pur essendo a casa della sua promessa sposa (Cremona era il suo piccolo regno, che aveva ricevuto in dono dal padre, quando era ancora in tenera età), temendo ritorsioni and ambushes by potential assassins sent from the future father-in place (the choice at the last minute of that church out of reach for the time - located practically in the middle of a campaign - instead of the more prestigious Cathedral, located in the middle of this a series of paths, which would have facilitated the escape of the hitmen possible, returned to the strategy of self-defense personnel). However, more than those words of Francis were probably his warm voice and intonation to heat up for a White unmistakable message: the story that began between them, would st ata a love story.
followed the ceremony, told emphatically by the press. The bride, dressed in red, bridal and even color of the zodiac, for those born under the sign of Aries, as she had come riding a white horse from the golden mantle. The groom, according to historian John Simonetta , author of Sforziade, testifies that Francis made the journey that led him to the church, preceded by two thousand horsemen teams in a very ornate gold and silver, all made up captains, commanders and team leaders.
After the ceremony, the festivities began, culminating in the sumptuous wedding feast. Guests of high rank, bearing rich gifts had come from all over the Peninsula. Towards the end of the banquet, for the first time in history, in honor of the royal couple had been brought to the table an exquisitely sweet taste again, that the people had racked my brains in devising unison. It was packaged in the shape of the famous bell tower of Cremona, the Torrazzo: Torrone was born.
So far the story, hence the action unfolds mixed with a little imagination staff.
And I like to imagine that the banquet was served in other specialties, which became a classic of 'culinary Cremonese the Salame di Cremona and Sbrisolona . It was almost certainly brought to the table instead of the already classic Mustard Cremona , known at that time for almost two centuries. They had in fact developed the monks of the thirteenth century, scattered in monasteries, so many in the countryside. Looking at ways to keep as long as possible the summer fruits, they had carefully developed the original recipe. So from those early days, cherries, peaches, apricots, pears, figs, melons, etc.., Even if their taste is covered, almost hidden by the strong and pungent taste of mustard, they were able to enjoy it for the rest of ' year.
Of course, here in passing, it should be noted che Bianca Maria Visconti Sforza è stata benevolmente ricordata molto a lungo nella memoria dei cremonesi.
Al termine del banchetto iniziarono balli, gare, sfide, tornei che si protrassero per giorni e giorni, e rimaste impresse nella memoria popolare. La gente, dopo anni e anni di battaglie, di cui erano state teatri quelle campagne, aveva voglia di dimenticare, divertendosi. I ricordi lasciati da quella festa ebbero un tale potere mnemonico che ancora generazioni dopo un cr onista lodigiano ebbe a scrivere: " Fuori Cremona si ballava ... il conte Francesco l'aveva per mano e fu fatta allora quella canzone che dice "Quando per la mano fu presa sotto Cremona" e "Come la bala ben". Un viandante che had wandered to the countries and for those campaigns in decades, perhaps centuries later, would surely feel humming by construction workers and the earth. To recall those days of celebration, for some years, in the second half of November, takes place in Cremona Day Torrone .
And now, Wishing you a Merry Christmas, you sottoporrei kindly to a quiz. This would identify the author and the place where you stored the picture below. E 'Christmas picture with Madonna and Child Jesus, who receive a visit from someone. The quiz has been submitted to the group of university recreation, our readers. They turned to me, hoping they can help. Someone might suggest the answers? Bibliography: The Lady of Milan, Daniela Pizzagalli, BUR Rizzoli, January 2009
Francesco Sforza and Bianca: images taken from Google, owner site Flickr.com
Church of San Sigismondo, Cremona, from the website: Cremonaguide.net
Church of San Sigismondo, Cremona, from the website: Cremonaguide.net
NB at the time of marriage the church was only a chapel. The church of San Sigismondo, as we know it today, was built only from 1462, on commission Bianca Maria Sforza Visconti.
Abbiategrasso Castle (I) from the site medieval world
and monitoring of the Dome and, from site Tripadvisor.it
A nice pot of mustard from Dondi collection. It's not advertisements: given to me years ago, is empty, and jealously guards. The facsimile of the photo is taken from the site Demar Food .
Cremona, Festival Torrone, site Marcopolo TV
Last slide: part of the quiz, and I know nothing.
Monday, December 13, 2010
American Sharking Tops
Matilde Serao, writer
Più che per le opere è per la biografia che il nome di Matilde Serao viene, talvolta, ancora ricordato. In effetti, il carattere intrepido ed esuberante della scrittrice napoletana, capace di conquistare e mantenere a lungo posizioni di grande responsabilità nella stampa e nella letteratura in tempi difficilissimi per le rappresentanti del genere femminile, sembra fatto apposta per suscitare ammirazione. Ma relegandola nel ruolo esclusivo di regina del paleo-femminismo si fa un grande torto a una donna che invece merita di essere ricordata soprattutto per ciò che ha scritto.
Matilde Serao si considerava in primo luogo una giornalista e i suoi novels often drew inspiration from high observation of the virtues but also of the vices of the Neapolitan people based on which many of his articles. The land of plenty, published in serial form in 1890 on "Il Mattino di Napoli and immediately released by Milan Treves, who at that time was the largest Italian publishing house, builds on its long investigation The Belly of Naples, appeared in 1884 on "Captain Fracassa. The joyful atmosphere and the fascinating colors of Naples, so skillfully described in the novel, do not hide the serious evils that afflicted more than a century ago the city of Naples and that are more or less the same today. Among these evils is apparent in the habit of dispersing energy in the most beautiful things of little importance and absolutely unproductive, at least for the time. Resigned and fatalistic, ready to entrust their fate to the lottery rather than to any construction project, the Neapolitan can give life to the utmost to get into debt and risking bankruptcy to only do well when it comes to the carnival, the festival more ephemeral and chaotic the whole calendar. Matilde first carefully observes and describes the behavior of his countrymen: "From the beginning of January Naples had been taken by a mania for work that was spreading from one shop to another, from house to house, street to street, neighborhood in the neighborhood, from the noble to the popular region, with a continuous motion, ascending and descending. The establishments in the factories came out stronger than the noise of saws, planer, hammers ... "Then do not save them the most severe judgments when he explains the reason for this unusual alacrity:" The great city was given to quell'impetuosa and joyful effort, not for the sake of work itself, for that work which is cause and consequence of welfare, that is, in itself, the foundation of goodness and decency, not the great city that was abandoned for a thriving civil order immediately, improving hygienic or industrial exposure to art or commerce, trasformazione di vecchi quartieri o creazione di nuovi: era per il carnevale, soltanto pel carnevale, un carnevale decretato ufficial mente dal palazzo della Prefettura e da quello del municipio, un carnevale caldeggiato da comitati, commissioni, associazioni, messo su da mille persone, creato e realizzato come una grande istituzione e diffuso nello spirito di tutti i cinquecentomila abitanti…” Ma più avanti, e probabilmente suo malgrado, si fa prendere la mano e si fa coinvolgere dall’arrivo dei carri bizzarramente addobbati che scorrono come un fiume in piena nelle vie e nei corsi, sommersi dalla pioggia incessante dei fiori di carta, delle piccole bomboniere e dei mestoli di coriandoli che scendono dalle finestre the upper floors without interruption, and lost in admiration of the terraces further down the imagination of the people has turned into a harem, kitchens, unlikely in Japanese houses in an attempt to create something memorable, possibly unique to arouse the wonder of others. He does it with such warmth and a lot of colors to make us regret not being able to witness the representation of one of those old carnival Neapolitan imagination and show off the superfluous should not have anything to envy to the most famous of our day. The
Serao as effective in the work brings to the stage where the characters in the world, from her well-known, of the newsroom, like the Riccardo Joanna, protagonista del romanzo I capelli di Sansone . Questo azzimato giornalista è il prototipo della razza, fortunatamente estinta, degli intellettuali dandy che alla fine dell’Ottocento godevano del favore delle donne belle e frivole che popolavano i migliori salotti della capitale. Spontanea e poco incline alle smancerie, Matilde doveva trovare insopportabile questo genere di giovanotti effemminati, sempre pronti a sciogliersi in languori, e ce lo mostra impietosamente mentre gira a bordo d’una carrozza presa a nolo nella disperata quanto vana ricerca di qualche conoscente disposto a prestargli le mille lire che gli servono per evitare il protesto d’una cambiale, in scadenza per l’indomani. Le sue tasche sono dramatically empty and not even know how to pay the bill of the driver that is growing by the hour. But the anxiety that grips is not enough to prevent him to please her boundless narcissism, in fact, is always ready to forget his troubles for a few moments to woo the ladies he meets along his anguished pilgrimage. All these beautiful women regularly married, he says, hopelessly in love.
Always updated and participant in the intellectual life, Matilda is not ashamed to be inspired by the literary fashions of his time. The star of Under The Cecchina is a small middle class that looks a lot like the masterfully told Madame Bovary d to Flaubert. But the lack of originality does not detract from the unpredictability of the subject with which she develops the story, until his sad but most ridiculous ending. There is some subtle feminine perfidy in portraying this woman frustrated, ready to do anything to satisfy his desires, then go back and surrender to adultery simply because of the grim-looking frightened porter installed at the entrance of the building where he resides the man who would become his lover: "But in the doorway, blocking half of the entrance, leaning against the wall, there was a janitor, a tall and thick, coarse, stiff hair from the face of gray hair ... Cecchina stopped, not daring to cross the street. To enter the door, you had to ask the porter to be able to come in, ask if the Marquis of Aragon was on ... she gathered all her strength to make this attempt, but halfway he stopped again. " Every effort to overcome his fears and eventually results vain Cecchina, who had lied to everyone and fought against each factor just to enjoy the coveted adventure, gives up like a frightened little girl in front of her face ugly and disrespectful, while the Serao not hide his pleasure in punishing the pathetic petit bourgeois.
worth mentioning also writing, blood, full of humor, popular, but do not forget the lesson of best fiction of the past and her contemporary, writer of our unjustly forgotten.
Matilde Serao si considerava in primo luogo una giornalista e i suoi novels often drew inspiration from high observation of the virtues but also of the vices of the Neapolitan people based on which many of his articles. The land of plenty, published in serial form in 1890 on "Il Mattino di Napoli and immediately released by Milan Treves, who at that time was the largest Italian publishing house, builds on its long investigation The Belly of Naples, appeared in 1884 on "Captain Fracassa. The joyful atmosphere and the fascinating colors of Naples, so skillfully described in the novel, do not hide the serious evils that afflicted more than a century ago the city of Naples and that are more or less the same today. Among these evils is apparent in the habit of dispersing energy in the most beautiful things of little importance and absolutely unproductive, at least for the time. Resigned and fatalistic, ready to entrust their fate to the lottery rather than to any construction project, the Neapolitan can give life to the utmost to get into debt and risking bankruptcy to only do well when it comes to the carnival, the festival more ephemeral and chaotic the whole calendar. Matilde first carefully observes and describes the behavior of his countrymen: "From the beginning of January Naples had been taken by a mania for work that was spreading from one shop to another, from house to house, street to street, neighborhood in the neighborhood, from the noble to the popular region, with a continuous motion, ascending and descending. The establishments in the factories came out stronger than the noise of saws, planer, hammers ... "Then do not save them the most severe judgments when he explains the reason for this unusual alacrity:" The great city was given to quell'impetuosa and joyful effort, not for the sake of work itself, for that work which is cause and consequence of welfare, that is, in itself, the foundation of goodness and decency, not the great city that was abandoned for a thriving civil order immediately, improving hygienic or industrial exposure to art or commerce, trasformazione di vecchi quartieri o creazione di nuovi: era per il carnevale, soltanto pel carnevale, un carnevale decretato ufficial mente dal palazzo della Prefettura e da quello del municipio, un carnevale caldeggiato da comitati, commissioni, associazioni, messo su da mille persone, creato e realizzato come una grande istituzione e diffuso nello spirito di tutti i cinquecentomila abitanti…” Ma più avanti, e probabilmente suo malgrado, si fa prendere la mano e si fa coinvolgere dall’arrivo dei carri bizzarramente addobbati che scorrono come un fiume in piena nelle vie e nei corsi, sommersi dalla pioggia incessante dei fiori di carta, delle piccole bomboniere e dei mestoli di coriandoli che scendono dalle finestre the upper floors without interruption, and lost in admiration of the terraces further down the imagination of the people has turned into a harem, kitchens, unlikely in Japanese houses in an attempt to create something memorable, possibly unique to arouse the wonder of others. He does it with such warmth and a lot of colors to make us regret not being able to witness the representation of one of those old carnival Neapolitan imagination and show off the superfluous should not have anything to envy to the most famous of our day. The
Serao as effective in the work brings to the stage where the characters in the world, from her well-known, of the newsroom, like the Riccardo Joanna, protagonista del romanzo I capelli di Sansone . Questo azzimato giornalista è il prototipo della razza, fortunatamente estinta, degli intellettuali dandy che alla fine dell’Ottocento godevano del favore delle donne belle e frivole che popolavano i migliori salotti della capitale. Spontanea e poco incline alle smancerie, Matilde doveva trovare insopportabile questo genere di giovanotti effemminati, sempre pronti a sciogliersi in languori, e ce lo mostra impietosamente mentre gira a bordo d’una carrozza presa a nolo nella disperata quanto vana ricerca di qualche conoscente disposto a prestargli le mille lire che gli servono per evitare il protesto d’una cambiale, in scadenza per l’indomani. Le sue tasche sono dramatically empty and not even know how to pay the bill of the driver that is growing by the hour. But the anxiety that grips is not enough to prevent him to please her boundless narcissism, in fact, is always ready to forget his troubles for a few moments to woo the ladies he meets along his anguished pilgrimage. All these beautiful women regularly married, he says, hopelessly in love.
Always updated and participant in the intellectual life, Matilda is not ashamed to be inspired by the literary fashions of his time. The star of Under The Cecchina is a small middle class that looks a lot like the masterfully told Madame Bovary d to Flaubert. But the lack of originality does not detract from the unpredictability of the subject with which she develops the story, until his sad but most ridiculous ending. There is some subtle feminine perfidy in portraying this woman frustrated, ready to do anything to satisfy his desires, then go back and surrender to adultery simply because of the grim-looking frightened porter installed at the entrance of the building where he resides the man who would become his lover: "But in the doorway, blocking half of the entrance, leaning against the wall, there was a janitor, a tall and thick, coarse, stiff hair from the face of gray hair ... Cecchina stopped, not daring to cross the street. To enter the door, you had to ask the porter to be able to come in, ask if the Marquis of Aragon was on ... she gathered all her strength to make this attempt, but halfway he stopped again. " Every effort to overcome his fears and eventually results vain Cecchina, who had lied to everyone and fought against each factor just to enjoy the coveted adventure, gives up like a frightened little girl in front of her face ugly and disrespectful, while the Serao not hide his pleasure in punishing the pathetic petit bourgeois.
worth mentioning also writing, blood, full of humor, popular, but do not forget the lesson of best fiction of the past and her contemporary, writer of our unjustly forgotten.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How To Fix A Tech Deck
...... and here is my purse ......
Good evening girls, I just finished "my" bag of felt and are so enthusiastic that I ran at once to post it, I wrote my quotes perk my daughter already has her eye on him .... so do not know if I can show it off .... the company was difficult but I did and I'm satisfied! what do you think??
buona notte a tutte ci si sente.
baci Velia
Good evening girls, I just finished "my" bag of felt and are so enthusiastic that I ran at once to post it, I wrote my quotes perk my daughter already has her eye on him .... so do not know if I can show it off .... the company was difficult but I did and I'm satisfied! what do you think??
buona notte a tutte ci si sente.
baci Velia
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Good Initiation Ideas
salve a tutte amiche, oggi il mio blog compie un anno!! ebbene si è già passato un anno dall'inizio di questa avventura che non credevo mi prendesse così tanto....ho consciuto nuove amiche, anche se solo virtuali, con cui scambiare idee, pensieri, doni.......insomma tirando le somme sono felice di aver aperto questa finestra nel mondo, trovandomi a condividere la mia passione con altre creative e quindi di festeggiare con voi il mio primo blog candy!!! le regole sono le solite dei candy:
- lasciare un commento a questo post;
- essere mie sostenitrici;
- linkare il bannerino nei vostri blog.
- the deadline is December 31.
I hope that you will participate in numerous big party .... regarding the prize of the lucky winner ........ will let you know later, I like the suspense
kisses Velia
salve a tutte amiche, oggi il mio blog compie un anno!! ebbene si è già passato un anno dall'inizio di questa avventura che non credevo mi prendesse così tanto....ho consciuto nuove amiche, anche se solo virtuali, con cui scambiare idee, pensieri, doni.......insomma tirando le somme sono felice di aver aperto questa finestra nel mondo, trovandomi a condividere la mia passione con altre creative e quindi di festeggiare con voi il mio primo blog candy!!! le regole sono le solite dei candy:
- lasciare un commento a questo post;
- essere mie sostenitrici;
- linkare il bannerino nei vostri blog.
- the deadline is December 31.
I hope that you will participate in numerous big party .... regarding the prize of the lucky winner ........ will let you know later, I like the suspense
kisses Velia
Monday, December 6, 2010
Varicella More Condition_symptoms
sal of hearts ...... end
dear friends, good evening to all, after hard work on Saturday and Sunday I'm back but still flying, I'm here to show the latest roundup of the sal of hearts Stefy organized by apologizing to her for failing to meet the monthly publication of the work due to time constraints and various unforeseen events, I show you the sal August, September and October all together as they form a set: an agenda covered in felt with key chain and bring handkerchiefs, cigarettes or mobile phone (Though I hope that my combination does not smoke) or what she wants, all coordinated
behold, my dear sal bundled in November: an angel for the tree
and finally to December : um ciccioso angel perfume and (in it's pot pourri)
and now good night hoping not to have tired! kisses Velia
dear friends, good evening to all, after hard work on Saturday and Sunday I'm back but still flying, I'm here to show the latest roundup of the sal of hearts Stefy organized by apologizing to her for failing to meet the monthly publication of the work due to time constraints and various unforeseen events, I show you the sal August, September and October all together as they form a set: an agenda covered in felt with key chain and bring handkerchiefs, cigarettes or mobile phone (Though I hope that my combination does not smoke) or what she wants, all coordinated
behold, my dear sal bundled in November: an angel for the tree
and finally to December : um ciccioso angel perfume and (in it's pot pourri)
and now good night hoping not to have tired! kisses Velia
Church Anniversay Program
to rediscover the mystery of the source of the Nile
The history of investigations and explorations to discover what were the sources of the Nile fills a huge chapter of the story of the African river, as well as be one of the mystery-story more intriguing and appealing to several generations of men. The appearance of the area crossed by the Nile ingarbugliatissima prevented for centuries to solve the riddle. The six windows upstream of Aswan prevent them from navigating beyond this limit and near the waters of the basin of Sudan are lost in a tangle marshes and swamps from which it is impossible to disentangle the way to find it possible to trace to the source. Moreover, in the fifth century BC C. Herodotus had developed an unfortunate theory of the Nile, which contributed to creating confusion to last for ages. The famous greek historian, in fact, he opined that the Nile would coincide with the Niger, the other great African river, according to him it was the same stream that was born in West Africa, Chad and crossed the valley and then headed to Egypt. A version closer to reality was rather advanced in the second century AD C. another greek, astronomer and geographer Ptolemy, who had consulted in the library of Alexandria le opere di Marino di Tiro (vissuto nel primo secolo), a loro volta ispirate dai racconti di Diogene, ardimento so esploratore ante litteram della costa orientale dell'Africa. Basandosi sulle indicazioni ricavate da quelle letture, Tolomeo tracciò una carta in cui comparivano le imponenti montagne della Luna cinte di nevi, alle cui pendici settentrionali disegnò una regione lacustre da cui fioriva un primo fiume che andava a confluire, più o meno all'altezza della città nubiana Meroe, in un secondo emissario proveniente da un lago situato più a sud. Le scoperte degli esploratori europei confermeranno proprio questo schema, da sempre ritenuto sospetto a causa dell'ampio credito riservato a Erodoto in Europa. Gli antichi, quindi, avevano già individuato i principali elementi geografici dell'alto corso del Nilo, essenziali per spiegarne l'origine: montagne elevate, laghi e – componente cruciale – un grande affluente sulla riva destra. Ma quest'ultimo complicava ulteriormente le ricerche, in quanto vi erano due fiumi da scoprire: quello che sarà poi chiamato il Nilo Azzurro, che rampolla e scende dall'altopiano etiopico, e il Nilo Bianco , che si sviluppa nel cuore dell'Africa. Tra l'altro, Diogene aveva già intuito l'inutilità di risalire il Nilo: occorreva cercare le sorgenti partendo dalla costa dell'oceano Indiano, proprio come poi faranno gli esploratori europei.
The Scottish aristocrat James Bruce, discovered around 1765 situated in the Lake Tana Ethiopian plateau, from which, through the majestic waterfalls Tis sisat, was born a stream directed toward the Sudan, found first the source of the eastern branch of the river, namely the Blue Nile, while the source of the western branch, the White Nile, was discovered only in 1857, after countless other failed attempts, following the dispatch of two British officers, John Hanning Speke and Richard Burton. The expedition, organized the island of Zanzibar, was promoted with ample funding from the Royal Geographical Society , but turned out to irta di difficoltà d'ogni genere, sfibrante per la lunghezza e asperità del percorso ed estremamente pernicios a per la salute dei due esploratori; tanto che sarà il solo Speke, dal momento che Burton, troppo malato, era stato costretto a fermarsi, a raggiungere la sorgente, quella sorta di grande mare interno rappresentato dal lago più vasto dell'Africa (68.000 chilometri quadrati) battezzato dallo stesso Speke Lago Vittoria in onore della regina inglese e che, con l'ausilio dei più piccoli laghi adiacenti e ad esso comunicanti, alimenta il corso d'acqua che giungerà fino alla costa mediterranea.
Questa, molto sinteticamente, la storia dei momenti più Highlights of adventurous explorations that sailed into the knowledge of the source of the Nile. But the system is extremely complex inflow of water in Egypt has been deciphered, in fact, only in recent times. On the equatorial region of the Great Lakes from which begins the immortal river is cut down every year, the copious rainfall in Africa in the spring. But the water from lakes swollen by rain, do not go to such an extent inappropriate in Egypt, as the evaporation taking place in the Sudanese White Nile river, very intense, it absorbs a very heavy amount. Fortunately, the river receives a second and more important source of water, that due to the monsoons of the highlands of Abyssinia, discharging on the Blue Nile with her rousing substantial rains, plus the precious silt ripped the volcanic soils of Upper Abyssinia. What remains of the party flow from tropical lakes between May and June began to arrive in Egypt in July, but follows immediately after that, the richest, from dall'Abissinia, where maximum rainfall is found from June to October. The flooding of the Nile then occurs in summer and this is crucial in a country from the Saharan climate, where the maximum temperature occurs in July and August and where the soil, therefore, is covered with water just in time which threaten the hot sun to dry and destroy all crops; while in winter, when the sun is considerably milder waters of the river sufficient to regular food crops with traditional irrigation systems, already used at the time of the pharaohs, consisting of canals dug by small and rudimentary wooden bar and woven fibers.
This mechanism could be so precise - it is easy to imagine - caught and wreak havoc with ease: just enough by rain delay of one of the places of origin of the water to determine the full inappropriate or irrelevant. Today, the complex system of streams and runoff of the Nile is well known to us, man has sought to address this by building a massive dam, quella di Assuan, capace di garantire una sorta di immagazzinaggio permanente dell'acqua volta ad attuare una piena artificiale a portata regolare, in grado di sovvenire ai bisogni agricoli di ogni stagione con l'utilizzazione metodica e mirata delle acque del fiume; una distribuzione razionale delle acque utilissima per garantire una cospicua produzione agricola per tutta la durata dell’anno. Peccato sia stata resa vana dall’abnorme aumento della popolazione egiziana verificatasi proprio dopo la costruzione della diga; una popolazione giunta oggi a ben ottanta milioni di individui, costretti a vivere, per giunta, tutti ammassati a ridosso del Nilo, il solo territorio coltivabile poiché, com’è noto, il resto Egypt is nothing but a vast barren desert.
images, in order: explorations of nineteenth-century print of the Nile route map of the Nile with two branches that feed on the right the Blue Nile, White Nile to the left; Tissisat Falls Lake, John Hanning Speke and Richard Burton in the middle of the Nile, papyrus plant which grows on the banks of the Nile view of the desert area of \u200b\u200bEgypt, one that extends all around the path of the Nile.
The history of investigations and explorations to discover what were the sources of the Nile fills a huge chapter of the story of the African river, as well as be one of the mystery-story more intriguing and appealing to several generations of men. The appearance of the area crossed by the Nile ingarbugliatissima prevented for centuries to solve the riddle. The six windows upstream of Aswan prevent them from navigating beyond this limit and near the waters of the basin of Sudan are lost in a tangle marshes and swamps from which it is impossible to disentangle the way to find it possible to trace to the source. Moreover, in the fifth century BC C. Herodotus had developed an unfortunate theory of the Nile, which contributed to creating confusion to last for ages. The famous greek historian, in fact, he opined that the Nile would coincide with the Niger, the other great African river, according to him it was the same stream that was born in West Africa, Chad and crossed the valley and then headed to Egypt. A version closer to reality was rather advanced in the second century AD C. another greek, astronomer and geographer Ptolemy, who had consulted in the library of Alexandria le opere di Marino di Tiro (vissuto nel primo secolo), a loro volta ispirate dai racconti di Diogene, ardimento so esploratore ante litteram della costa orientale dell'Africa. Basandosi sulle indicazioni ricavate da quelle letture, Tolomeo tracciò una carta in cui comparivano le imponenti montagne della Luna cinte di nevi, alle cui pendici settentrionali disegnò una regione lacustre da cui fioriva un primo fiume che andava a confluire, più o meno all'altezza della città nubiana Meroe, in un secondo emissario proveniente da un lago situato più a sud. Le scoperte degli esploratori europei confermeranno proprio questo schema, da sempre ritenuto sospetto a causa dell'ampio credito riservato a Erodoto in Europa. Gli antichi, quindi, avevano già individuato i principali elementi geografici dell'alto corso del Nilo, essenziali per spiegarne l'origine: montagne elevate, laghi e – componente cruciale – un grande affluente sulla riva destra. Ma quest'ultimo complicava ulteriormente le ricerche, in quanto vi erano due fiumi da scoprire: quello che sarà poi chiamato il Nilo Azzurro, che rampolla e scende dall'altopiano etiopico, e il Nilo Bianco , che si sviluppa nel cuore dell'Africa. Tra l'altro, Diogene aveva già intuito l'inutilità di risalire il Nilo: occorreva cercare le sorgenti partendo dalla costa dell'oceano Indiano, proprio come poi faranno gli esploratori europei.
The Scottish aristocrat James Bruce, discovered around 1765 situated in the Lake Tana Ethiopian plateau, from which, through the majestic waterfalls Tis sisat, was born a stream directed toward the Sudan, found first the source of the eastern branch of the river, namely the Blue Nile, while the source of the western branch, the White Nile, was discovered only in 1857, after countless other failed attempts, following the dispatch of two British officers, John Hanning Speke and Richard Burton. The expedition, organized the island of Zanzibar, was promoted with ample funding from the Royal Geographical Society , but turned out to irta di difficoltà d'ogni genere, sfibrante per la lunghezza e asperità del percorso ed estremamente pernicios a per la salute dei due esploratori; tanto che sarà il solo Speke, dal momento che Burton, troppo malato, era stato costretto a fermarsi, a raggiungere la sorgente, quella sorta di grande mare interno rappresentato dal lago più vasto dell'Africa (68.000 chilometri quadrati) battezzato dallo stesso Speke Lago Vittoria in onore della regina inglese e che, con l'ausilio dei più piccoli laghi adiacenti e ad esso comunicanti, alimenta il corso d'acqua che giungerà fino alla costa mediterranea.
Questa, molto sinteticamente, la storia dei momenti più Highlights of adventurous explorations that sailed into the knowledge of the source of the Nile. But the system is extremely complex inflow of water in Egypt has been deciphered, in fact, only in recent times. On the equatorial region of the Great Lakes from which begins the immortal river is cut down every year, the copious rainfall in Africa in the spring. But the water from lakes swollen by rain, do not go to such an extent inappropriate in Egypt, as the evaporation taking place in the Sudanese White Nile river, very intense, it absorbs a very heavy amount. Fortunately, the river receives a second and more important source of water, that due to the monsoons of the highlands of Abyssinia, discharging on the Blue Nile with her rousing substantial rains, plus the precious silt ripped the volcanic soils of Upper Abyssinia. What remains of the party flow from tropical lakes between May and June began to arrive in Egypt in July, but follows immediately after that, the richest, from dall'Abissinia, where maximum rainfall is found from June to October. The flooding of the Nile then occurs in summer and this is crucial in a country from the Saharan climate, where the maximum temperature occurs in July and August and where the soil, therefore, is covered with water just in time which threaten the hot sun to dry and destroy all crops; while in winter, when the sun is considerably milder waters of the river sufficient to regular food crops with traditional irrigation systems, already used at the time of the pharaohs, consisting of canals dug by small and rudimentary wooden bar and woven fibers.
This mechanism could be so precise - it is easy to imagine - caught and wreak havoc with ease: just enough by rain delay of one of the places of origin of the water to determine the full inappropriate or irrelevant. Today, the complex system of streams and runoff of the Nile is well known to us, man has sought to address this by building a massive dam, quella di Assuan, capace di garantire una sorta di immagazzinaggio permanente dell'acqua volta ad attuare una piena artificiale a portata regolare, in grado di sovvenire ai bisogni agricoli di ogni stagione con l'utilizzazione metodica e mirata delle acque del fiume; una distribuzione razionale delle acque utilissima per garantire una cospicua produzione agricola per tutta la durata dell’anno. Peccato sia stata resa vana dall’abnorme aumento della popolazione egiziana verificatasi proprio dopo la costruzione della diga; una popolazione giunta oggi a ben ottanta milioni di individui, costretti a vivere, per giunta, tutti ammassati a ridosso del Nilo, il solo territorio coltivabile poiché, com’è noto, il resto Egypt is nothing but a vast barren desert.
images, in order: explorations of nineteenth-century print of the Nile route map of the Nile with two branches that feed on the right the Blue Nile, White Nile to the left; Tissisat Falls Lake, John Hanning Speke and Richard Burton in the middle of the Nile, papyrus plant which grows on the banks of the Nile view of the desert area of \u200b\u200bEgypt, one that extends all around the path of the Nile.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
White Blisters On Gums
Soundtrack and Film, Debris Imaginary
What is at the bottom of the film, as well ... 'stories', beyond the theories of analytical and critical for us individually, or fragments of imagery, represented that of interiority is often confused with the perception of our life?
Or rather what is in those of us privileged moments ,
comprise the sum of a shot, a gesture, a face, words and musical notes some highlights?
There are several elements that contribute to the success or not of a film: literature / screenplay, decoupage, editing, cinematography, directing, acting ... because a film is still a point of intersection between the arts and more languages. Or, according to others, may also be a 'mill' of various codes of expression higher.
Although usually a bit 'in the background for those occupa di linguaggio cinematografico, anche le colonne sonore hanno importanza basilare: ce ne sono alcune che sono solo funzionali al film (ne costituiscono cioè solo il 'fondo sonoro' come le chiamava talvolta Buñuel negli anni 60-70 quando non ne faceva quasi uso).
Eppure ce ne sono altre che a volte hanno un valore maggiore del film stesso, o hanno una tale personalità da fuoriuscire dal loro ambito, costituire un'opera d'arte indipendente e diventare classici, altre volte ancora s'integrano perfettamente con i contenuti del film attraverso la resa puntuale di un clima emotivo, psicologico.
Altre non sono state composte appositamente per il film, ma provengono dalla storia della musica, e sono materiale di pregio preesistente chosen for some scenes, usually to enhance and enrich a sequence.
In this last case please note the use of huge, by Visconti,
(pictured, Romy Schneider in 'Ludwig', 1973)
of Wagner, Strauss, Mahler and other great classical pieces, which will outline now, why would an encyclopedia only for that purpose. Many of these classics are better at setting the story in an era of individual and context, but are sometimes also used 'improperly', at least in the ear of a lover of music, because new functions to signify other than what the musician of secoli passati voleva dirci, anche se almeno nel caso di Visconti c'è una maniacale cura nella ricostruzione storica.
Oppure si incontra l'uso strategico, come contrappunto tra le sequenze, di Schubert in 'Barry Lyndon' (1975) di Stanley Kubrick.
O ricordiamo il caso peculiare di un film come 'Anonimo Veneziano' (1970) di Enrico Maria Salerno, che oltre al famosissimo tema di Stelvio Cipriani, rinfrescò la memoria classica con l'uso del Concerto per oboe e archi di Alessandro Marcello , che gode da allora di una seconda (o meglio, ennesima) giovinezza.
Gli esempi sono tra i più disparati. Qui si tenta di ricordare alcuni momenti privilegiati soundtrack, with a value in itself already, maybe not according to the trivial schema 'song and the movie', but as little as possible in the issue discounted meaningful 'cinema and music'.
A special case is the movie 'Diva' by Jean Jacques Beineix (1981), which also reflects on the theme of stardom in contemporary times, in relation to the opera, but also to copyright, the uniqueness of the performance of 'art, the reproducibility (real or otherwise) of the musical' living and true 'in the records: the soundtrack has Vladimir Kosma beautiful songs, but also an interpretation of' iconic 'air ' Well .. . shall go away ' taken from 'Wally' di Alfredo Catalani, cantato da Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez nello stesso girato del film.
Un ulteriore rapporto privilegiato musica/film è "Tè nel Deserto" di Bernardo Bertolucci (1990): al di là del giudizio sull'opera, la colonna sonora di Ryuichi Sakamoto ha animato letteralmente molte sequenze, dato vita a momenti a volte quasi panoramico-documentaristici, aggiungendo un'idea di destino incombente, comunque presente nel film, con quel modo di comporre attento alle atmosfere, alle minime variazioni degli stati d'animo, fino a rendere la musica metafora e co-significante al film, a suggerirci che il 'deserto' di cui si trattava era prima di tutto un deserto interiore, un senso di perdita of himself that became 'Sheltering Sky'.
Sakamoto is a remarkable composer, who for years was imposed for both soundtracks extraordinary, both in collaboration with David Sylvian, or educated in jazz, and pop music (but quality), as well as being a pianist (of all kinds) out of the ordinary.
Also from Bertolucci, but for the movie "Stealing Beauty" (96) was chosen a mixed soundtrack of contemporary pop-rock songs, not at all in my opinion, including the repechage of the excellent, but used almost everywhere, films and commercials, Portishead.
be noted to show the extraordinary song "Alice" by Cocteau Twins , which unfolds in different sound levels, thanks to the angelic voice of Elizabeth Fraser, an icon of English new wave, inventor of the ethereal dream pop since the early 80's. Another little gem is
audio 'Take me with you' Elizabeth Fraser for the movie / existential fairy tale 'The Winter Guest / The Winter Guest' (97, reg. A. Rickman), with music by Michael Kamen, which revives the Scottish literary and poetic, intimate and moral, so different from current or screaming from the cinema 'from gravure'.
Elizabeth has been an innovator, but also at the bottom of the experiment was rather close to the detail of his mystical land. Who knows this is not even the royal road against the dying of the arts:
distill emotions meet again his soul and not deny their roots, away from a market that flattens and approve everything, and that would have us join models impersonal, pre-packaged and commodified, pre-determined by others. Still
Sakamoto is the author of the remarkable soundtrack controversial film 'Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence / Furyo' (Nagisa Oshima, 83) with the well-known song Forbidden Colours, also in voice sung by David Sylvian.
(frame from "The Belly of an Architect", 87, Peter Greenaway)
To return to 'contemporary classics' to be mentioned musical choices, specially targeted for many films by Peter Greenaway has always been interested in the links between cinema and letters, art, architecture, painting, geometry, fashion, golf has gradually explored in several films.
'The Belly of an Architect' for example developing the plot together with a visual architecture, especially Roman, having as a counterpoint to the exciting music of Wim Mertens and Glenn Branca.
Michael Nyman (except the rich career as a composer on his own) in addition to working in many later films of Greenaway, for 'Drowning by Numbers' (88) in particular writes trysting Fields which is a sort of reflection and expansion on themes Mozart, and at the same time a fascinating piece. Great skill that is also found in 'The Piano' for 'The Piano' (93) by Jane Campion. We should also mention
Wojciech Kilar for its extensive activities of contemporary composer, big scores for string orchestra, and film for his soundtrack to 'Dracula' Coppola (92) where stands 'Love Remembered', but much more dramatic for the soundtrack to 'The 9th Gate / Ninth Gate' Polanski (99), and the intense ground Vocalese with soprano Sumi Jo.
It's time to talk about our Morricone, would in turn require an encyclopedia in hand, ne sono già state scritte; tento di dire allora qualcos'altro: il suo influsso è stato molto forte, nei generi più disparati. Il suo modo di fare musica, dai lenti più sognanti alle tipiche chitarre cadenzate degli spaghetti-western (si pensi anche solo ai suoi lavori per Sergio Leone) sono fuoriusciti dall'ambito cinematografico, e ampiamente ripresi in vari generi musicali.
Nel Neofolk, Folk Apocalittico-Marziale e nel Military Pop dei gruppi degli ultimi 20-30 anni, valga su tutti l'evidenza dell'influsso morriconiano su alcuni brani dei Death in June, seppur frammisto a suoni più rituali e Old Europa di un'epica personale propria: "The Honour of Silence"
(scene from 'Ghost of Love' by Dino Risi, 1981)
never spoken instead of the very talented composer Riz Ortolani, another life spent in music to the movies. Numerous are his soundtracks, some famous, others unjustly underestimated here remember his fine work 'Ghost of Love' (1981) Dino Risi, dramatic film that belongs to the phase-introspective director and Schneider's one of the last film: actress out of the ordinary in the world but remembered more for the affected series of Sissi, which is not for movies, copyright or otherwise, which went pretty intense as an adult. Part of the soundtrack are
compositions Ortolani, turns to a smoky jazz, coined the atmosphere of the movie filmed in Pavia, and illuminated by Benny Goodman, guest star operation.
But the songs are more evocative and lush Ortolani and his orchestra, played obsession of feelings, time and people lost in the fog of memory, including ghosts and madness.
Within music / cinema face time to jazz only in passing, avoiding the musicals and Broadway, the relation between classical and Jazz Noir, but at least some soundtracks are memorable and remained in history:
'Elevator to the Gallows' is a Louis Malle film noir (57), with Jeanne Moreau.
Miles Davis created the soundtrack for watching the movie and improvised above so shocking.
(Jeanne Moreau, frame by 'Elevator to the Gallows', Louis Malle, 1957)
'Let's get lost' is a film by Bruce Weber (88) on the life of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker, the soundtrack consists of several pieces by Chet, who become the same story of his life in a b & w grainy.
From 'One from the Heart' of Francis Ford Coppola (82), note the collaboration between Tom Waits & Crystal Gayle (with Jack Sheldon, and Chuck Findley on tromba).
'Taxi Driver' il famoso film del 76 di Martin Scorsese ha una colonna sonora del genio del secolo in questo ambito, Bernard Herrmann (già storico compositore Hitchcockiano, si pensi solo al ruolo della musica ispirata ma così precisa nel contrappunto ritmo/montaggio in Psycho, Vertigo)qui impreziosita dal sax fluido di Tom Scott.
In jazz e dintorni ancora non posso non citare the Divine Sassy, ovvero l'enorme Sarah Vaughan, con una sua perla , in collaborazione con Quincy Jones, per il film 'Fiore di Cactus' (1969, Gene Saks);
o non ricordare l'esplosiva Shirley Bassey , l'icona degli 007 dalle enormi possibilità vocali, tuttora in attività.
(fotogramma da 'Il cielo sopra Berlino' di Wim Wenders, 87)
Cambiando genere, va segnalata l'originalità anche di una sorta di Road Movie Music unita al forte senso di fatalità del noir USA riletto però in Nord Europa nell' 'Amico americano' (77) di Wim Wenders , tratto da Patricia Highsmith, che mostra tra l'altro una Amburgo e Monaco di Baviera raggelate, mai inquadrate in quella maniera. La colonna sonora particolare e carica di tensione è dell'ottimo Jürgen Knieper, presente ancora per decenni in collaborazioni con Wenders, che qui gioca con gli archi e una melodia quasi intimistica per guitar, broken by sudden full orchestra.
Following Wenders will also build a soundtrack composed of songs of several rock bands-d'avanguardia contemporary, very successful for the song 'Until The End Of The World' (91) Crime + the City Solution 'The Adversary' ; also note the presence of David Darling, cellist class (and of course, the famous U2 on the other hand glissando in the family).
yet to be mentioned in the care for the music and poetic epic 'Wings of Desire' (87) which also contains one of best bits of Nick Cave.
(frame from 'Wings of Desire' Wim Wenders, 87)
Still in rock and film thickness, the disturbing 'Lost Highway' (97) David Lynch uses a beautiful song of David Bowie 'I'm Deranged', and
Nine Inch Nails 'The Perfect Drug' deliberately hallucinatory, as well as parts now historic collaboration with Angelo Badalamenti (Twin Peaks already).
For 'Batman Returns' (92) Siouxsie writes a provocative 'Face to face' with Danny Elfman, played on the double.
the soundtrack of 'The Crow' (94) is one of the last songs benriusciti Cure 'Burn'.
'Miriam si sveglia a mezzanotte/the Hunger' di Tony Scott (83) è stato un film simbolo estetizzante per una generazione: non molto considerato dal punto di vista di contenuti e regia, pare ai più una sorta di videoclip con un montaggio molto moderno per l'epoca, un delirio formale di erotismo patinato, vampirismo contemporaneo in senso lato in relazione con la sessualità.
Forse meno leggero di quel che si dica, in realtà la colonna sonora è curata, composta da brani classici (Lakmè di Léo Delibes ) e rock-darkwave, entra nello stesso narrato:
il film si apre con Peter Murphy dei Bauhaus, in un locale notturno, che interpreta 'Bela Lugosi's dead'(ripresa ampiamente anche in commercials, such as technical and stylistic choices for sound editing on the pictures).
(Catherine Deneuve in 'Miriam wakes up at midnight' / 'The Hunger' by Tony Scott, 1983)
In this way, trying to reconcile the past with the present , which is not seems to succeed very well in their respective films, the characters of Miriam, or to Nino in the 'Ghost',
conclude, although much more could be said, and probably will continue in future posts. In the movies mentioned, for one reason or another, music has an important role, beyond the vague emphasis on the function of vision. The ideal is to have
these records at hand, and having all these movies, but everything can be
fun doing the same journey together, and clicking on various links.
What is at the bottom of the film, as well ... 'stories', beyond the theories of analytical and critical for us individually, or fragments of imagery, represented that of interiority is often confused with the perception of our life?
Or rather what is in those of us privileged moments ,
comprise the sum of a shot, a gesture, a face, words and musical notes some highlights?
There are several elements that contribute to the success or not of a film: literature / screenplay, decoupage, editing, cinematography, directing, acting ... because a film is still a point of intersection between the arts and more languages. Or, according to others, may also be a 'mill' of various codes of expression higher.
Although usually a bit 'in the background for those occupa di linguaggio cinematografico, anche le colonne sonore hanno importanza basilare: ce ne sono alcune che sono solo funzionali al film (ne costituiscono cioè solo il 'fondo sonoro' come le chiamava talvolta Buñuel negli anni 60-70 quando non ne faceva quasi uso).
Eppure ce ne sono altre che a volte hanno un valore maggiore del film stesso, o hanno una tale personalità da fuoriuscire dal loro ambito, costituire un'opera d'arte indipendente e diventare classici, altre volte ancora s'integrano perfettamente con i contenuti del film attraverso la resa puntuale di un clima emotivo, psicologico.
Altre non sono state composte appositamente per il film, ma provengono dalla storia della musica, e sono materiale di pregio preesistente chosen for some scenes, usually to enhance and enrich a sequence.
In this last case please note the use of huge, by Visconti,
(pictured, Romy Schneider in 'Ludwig', 1973)
of Wagner, Strauss, Mahler and other great classical pieces, which will outline now, why would an encyclopedia only for that purpose. Many of these classics are better at setting the story in an era of individual and context, but are sometimes also used 'improperly', at least in the ear of a lover of music, because new functions to signify other than what the musician of secoli passati voleva dirci, anche se almeno nel caso di Visconti c'è una maniacale cura nella ricostruzione storica.
Oppure si incontra l'uso strategico, come contrappunto tra le sequenze, di Schubert in 'Barry Lyndon' (1975) di Stanley Kubrick.
O ricordiamo il caso peculiare di un film come 'Anonimo Veneziano' (1970) di Enrico Maria Salerno, che oltre al famosissimo tema di Stelvio Cipriani, rinfrescò la memoria classica con l'uso del Concerto per oboe e archi di Alessandro Marcello , che gode da allora di una seconda (o meglio, ennesima) giovinezza.
Gli esempi sono tra i più disparati. Qui si tenta di ricordare alcuni momenti privilegiati soundtrack, with a value in itself already, maybe not according to the trivial schema 'song and the movie', but as little as possible in the issue discounted meaningful 'cinema and music'.
A special case is the movie 'Diva' by Jean Jacques Beineix (1981), which also reflects on the theme of stardom in contemporary times, in relation to the opera, but also to copyright, the uniqueness of the performance of 'art, the reproducibility (real or otherwise) of the musical' living and true 'in the records: the soundtrack has Vladimir Kosma beautiful songs, but also an interpretation of' iconic 'air ' Well .. . shall go away ' taken from 'Wally' di Alfredo Catalani, cantato da Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez nello stesso girato del film.
Un ulteriore rapporto privilegiato musica/film è "Tè nel Deserto" di Bernardo Bertolucci (1990): al di là del giudizio sull'opera, la colonna sonora di Ryuichi Sakamoto ha animato letteralmente molte sequenze, dato vita a momenti a volte quasi panoramico-documentaristici, aggiungendo un'idea di destino incombente, comunque presente nel film, con quel modo di comporre attento alle atmosfere, alle minime variazioni degli stati d'animo, fino a rendere la musica metafora e co-significante al film, a suggerirci che il 'deserto' di cui si trattava era prima di tutto un deserto interiore, un senso di perdita of himself that became 'Sheltering Sky'.
Sakamoto is a remarkable composer, who for years was imposed for both soundtracks extraordinary, both in collaboration with David Sylvian, or educated in jazz, and pop music (but quality), as well as being a pianist (of all kinds) out of the ordinary.
Also from Bertolucci, but for the movie "Stealing Beauty" (96) was chosen a mixed soundtrack of contemporary pop-rock songs, not at all in my opinion, including the repechage of the excellent, but used almost everywhere, films and commercials, Portishead.
be noted to show the extraordinary song "Alice" by Cocteau Twins , which unfolds in different sound levels, thanks to the angelic voice of Elizabeth Fraser, an icon of English new wave, inventor of the ethereal dream pop since the early 80's. Another little gem is
audio 'Take me with you' Elizabeth Fraser for the movie / existential fairy tale 'The Winter Guest / The Winter Guest' (97, reg. A. Rickman), with music by Michael Kamen, which revives the Scottish literary and poetic, intimate and moral, so different from current or screaming from the cinema 'from gravure'.
Elizabeth has been an innovator, but also at the bottom of the experiment was rather close to the detail of his mystical land. Who knows this is not even the royal road against the dying of the arts:
distill emotions meet again his soul and not deny their roots, away from a market that flattens and approve everything, and that would have us join models impersonal, pre-packaged and commodified, pre-determined by others. Still
Sakamoto is the author of the remarkable soundtrack controversial film 'Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence / Furyo' (Nagisa Oshima, 83) with the well-known song Forbidden Colours, also in voice sung by David Sylvian.
(frame from "The Belly of an Architect", 87, Peter Greenaway)
To return to 'contemporary classics' to be mentioned musical choices, specially targeted for many films by Peter Greenaway has always been interested in the links between cinema and letters, art, architecture, painting, geometry, fashion, golf has gradually explored in several films.
'The Belly of an Architect' for example developing the plot together with a visual architecture, especially Roman, having as a counterpoint to the exciting music of Wim Mertens and Glenn Branca.
Michael Nyman (except the rich career as a composer on his own) in addition to working in many later films of Greenaway, for 'Drowning by Numbers' (88) in particular writes trysting Fields which is a sort of reflection and expansion on themes Mozart, and at the same time a fascinating piece. Great skill that is also found in 'The Piano' for 'The Piano' (93) by Jane Campion. We should also mention
Wojciech Kilar for its extensive activities of contemporary composer, big scores for string orchestra, and film for his soundtrack to 'Dracula' Coppola (92) where stands 'Love Remembered', but much more dramatic for the soundtrack to 'The 9th Gate / Ninth Gate' Polanski (99), and the intense ground Vocalese with soprano Sumi Jo.
It's time to talk about our Morricone, would in turn require an encyclopedia in hand, ne sono già state scritte; tento di dire allora qualcos'altro: il suo influsso è stato molto forte, nei generi più disparati. Il suo modo di fare musica, dai lenti più sognanti alle tipiche chitarre cadenzate degli spaghetti-western (si pensi anche solo ai suoi lavori per Sergio Leone) sono fuoriusciti dall'ambito cinematografico, e ampiamente ripresi in vari generi musicali.
Nel Neofolk, Folk Apocalittico-Marziale e nel Military Pop dei gruppi degli ultimi 20-30 anni, valga su tutti l'evidenza dell'influsso morriconiano su alcuni brani dei Death in June, seppur frammisto a suoni più rituali e Old Europa di un'epica personale propria: "The Honour of Silence"
(scene from 'Ghost of Love' by Dino Risi, 1981)
never spoken instead of the very talented composer Riz Ortolani, another life spent in music to the movies. Numerous are his soundtracks, some famous, others unjustly underestimated here remember his fine work 'Ghost of Love' (1981) Dino Risi, dramatic film that belongs to the phase-introspective director and Schneider's one of the last film: actress out of the ordinary in the world but remembered more for the affected series of Sissi, which is not for movies, copyright or otherwise, which went pretty intense as an adult. Part of the soundtrack are
compositions Ortolani, turns to a smoky jazz, coined the atmosphere of the movie filmed in Pavia, and illuminated by Benny Goodman, guest star operation.
But the songs are more evocative and lush Ortolani and his orchestra, played obsession of feelings, time and people lost in the fog of memory, including ghosts and madness.
Within music / cinema face time to jazz only in passing, avoiding the musicals and Broadway, the relation between classical and Jazz Noir, but at least some soundtracks are memorable and remained in history:
'Elevator to the Gallows' is a Louis Malle film noir (57), with Jeanne Moreau.
Miles Davis created the soundtrack for watching the movie and improvised above so shocking.
(Jeanne Moreau, frame by 'Elevator to the Gallows', Louis Malle, 1957)
'Let's get lost' is a film by Bruce Weber (88) on the life of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker, the soundtrack consists of several pieces by Chet, who become the same story of his life in a b & w grainy.
From 'One from the Heart' of Francis Ford Coppola (82), note the collaboration between Tom Waits & Crystal Gayle (with Jack Sheldon, and Chuck Findley on tromba).
'Taxi Driver' il famoso film del 76 di Martin Scorsese ha una colonna sonora del genio del secolo in questo ambito, Bernard Herrmann (già storico compositore Hitchcockiano, si pensi solo al ruolo della musica ispirata ma così precisa nel contrappunto ritmo/montaggio in Psycho, Vertigo)qui impreziosita dal sax fluido di Tom Scott.
In jazz e dintorni ancora non posso non citare the Divine Sassy, ovvero l'enorme Sarah Vaughan, con una sua perla , in collaborazione con Quincy Jones, per il film 'Fiore di Cactus' (1969, Gene Saks);
o non ricordare l'esplosiva Shirley Bassey , l'icona degli 007 dalle enormi possibilità vocali, tuttora in attività.
(fotogramma da 'Il cielo sopra Berlino' di Wim Wenders, 87)
Cambiando genere, va segnalata l'originalità anche di una sorta di Road Movie Music unita al forte senso di fatalità del noir USA riletto però in Nord Europa nell' 'Amico americano' (77) di Wim Wenders , tratto da Patricia Highsmith, che mostra tra l'altro una Amburgo e Monaco di Baviera raggelate, mai inquadrate in quella maniera. La colonna sonora particolare e carica di tensione è dell'ottimo Jürgen Knieper, presente ancora per decenni in collaborazioni con Wenders, che qui gioca con gli archi e una melodia quasi intimistica per guitar, broken by sudden full orchestra.
Following Wenders will also build a soundtrack composed of songs of several rock bands-d'avanguardia contemporary, very successful for the song 'Until The End Of The World' (91) Crime + the City Solution 'The Adversary' ; also note the presence of David Darling, cellist class (and of course, the famous U2 on the other hand glissando in the family).
yet to be mentioned in the care for the music and poetic epic 'Wings of Desire' (87) which also contains one of best bits of Nick Cave.
(frame from 'Wings of Desire' Wim Wenders, 87)
Still in rock and film thickness, the disturbing 'Lost Highway' (97) David Lynch uses a beautiful song of David Bowie 'I'm Deranged', and
Nine Inch Nails 'The Perfect Drug' deliberately hallucinatory, as well as parts now historic collaboration with Angelo Badalamenti (Twin Peaks already).
For 'Batman Returns' (92) Siouxsie writes a provocative 'Face to face' with Danny Elfman, played on the double.
the soundtrack of 'The Crow' (94) is one of the last songs benriusciti Cure 'Burn'.
'Miriam si sveglia a mezzanotte/the Hunger' di Tony Scott (83) è stato un film simbolo estetizzante per una generazione: non molto considerato dal punto di vista di contenuti e regia, pare ai più una sorta di videoclip con un montaggio molto moderno per l'epoca, un delirio formale di erotismo patinato, vampirismo contemporaneo in senso lato in relazione con la sessualità.
Forse meno leggero di quel che si dica, in realtà la colonna sonora è curata, composta da brani classici (Lakmè di Léo Delibes ) e rock-darkwave, entra nello stesso narrato:
il film si apre con Peter Murphy dei Bauhaus, in un locale notturno, che interpreta 'Bela Lugosi's dead'(ripresa ampiamente anche in commercials, such as technical and stylistic choices for sound editing on the pictures).
(Catherine Deneuve in 'Miriam wakes up at midnight' / 'The Hunger' by Tony Scott, 1983)
In this way, trying to reconcile the past with the present , which is not seems to succeed very well in their respective films, the characters of Miriam, or to Nino in the 'Ghost',
conclude, although much more could be said, and probably will continue in future posts. In the movies mentioned, for one reason or another, music has an important role, beyond the vague emphasis on the function of vision. The ideal is to have
these records at hand, and having all these movies, but everything can be
fun doing the same journey together, and clicking on various links.
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