the morning of October 25, 1441, along the road leading to the Church of San Sigismondo on the outskirts of Cremona , the entire population had crowded along the streets to celebrate the passage of the wedding procession. For security groom Francesco Sforza, he chose that church in the suburbs, instead of the more prestigious Duomo di Cremona. Bianca Maria Visconti had ringed , his bride for the past 12 years.
The age gap between spouses, age 40 he 17, she had put in serious doubt, one of the malicious and envious, the estate of that union. Instead, in spite, he was happy and lasting union, by the presence of eight children.
Bianca Maria was the only legitimate daughter of Filippo Maria Visconti, the only one, then, that would have been entitled to succeed to the throne. Except that, because of a legacy bequeathed by the great-grandfather, but not found, the kingdom would have to pass from father to son, but only by men. Francis was the natural son of James Attendoli, one of the most famous Italian soldiers of fortune, who had earned the nickname Sforza his weapon master, for the tenacious resistance. The Visconti, unable to get legitimate sons, and since you could pass on the throne only to male line, had seen fit to adopt Francis, then making him marry his daughter. So I promised to marry when she was still only five years, while he was already grown man of twenty-eight years. While waiting for the daughter growing up was ready for the wedding, thought well to relegate her and her mother, his wife, the castle of Be (la futura Abbiategrasso); questo era considerato più sicuro, rispetto la rocca milanese, e pressoché inespugnabile dai soventi attacchi del popolo, provocati da una sua politica spesso vessatoria. Il Castello di Milano, conosciuto all'epoca come Rocca di Porta Giovia, era stato costruito dal nonno di Filippo Maria, Galeazzo II Visconti , negli anni 1358 - 1368; La ricostruzione operata da Francesco Sforza dopo il 1450, in seguito alla devastazione operata dal popolo nel 1447, subito dopo la morte di Filippo Maria Visconti , lo ha portata ad essere quello che è universalmente conosciuto col roboante nome di CASTELLO SFORZESCO . Per inciso, Galeazzo II è also the one to which you must build two works symbol of Pavia: the Visconti Castle el ' Università degli Studi .
But since the Duke's Castle Have not considered very safe, comfortable and just decided to reinforce it, making also set up the rooms that were worthy of welcome his daughter, in the company of his wife. When everything was ready, the engagement took place by proxy between White and Francesco thirty-seven years, and the two women left for the castle you might have. The engaged couple had not seen or known, and neither will you until the day of marriage, what will happen when she will have completed 17 years, l'età minima ritenuta conveniente per un matrimonio regale.
La figlia visse così i dieci anni di trepida attesa, racchiusa tra possenti mura, sognando il suo bel principe azzurro. Venne così il giorno fatidico del pronunciamento. L'umanista Marco Antonio Coccio, soprannominato Sabellico , che, quarant'anni dopo i fatti ebbe a narrare di quel rito nuziale, era perfino informato del discorso che Francesco fece alla fidanzata: " Confesso d'essere entrato in asprissima guerra per mostrare che tutto quello che facevo era per amor vostro; certo io deliberai con animo caldo di morire non potendo acquistarvi. Non cercavo d'offendervi ma di difender me, perchè il duca non mi facesse ingiuria: ora io gli dono la pace e benché mi vediate cinto d'armi pensate d'esser mandata a un quieto et amorevolissimo sposo". Parole di quel discorso e l'accenno alle armi di cui era cinto nel giorno del matrimonio, sono indicative del periodo burrascoso vissuto dallo sposo, e da tutti in generale, durante quel periodo prematrimoniale di dieci anni; un periodo burrascoso dovuto anche al carattere alquanto instabile del duca padre, che sfociava in un andirivieni continuo di promesse e rimangiamenti nel concedergli la figlia in sposa; e le armi di cui era cinto sono il segno evidente che anche quel giorno, pur essendo a casa della sua promessa sposa (Cremona era il suo piccolo regno, che aveva ricevuto in dono dal padre, quando era ancora in tenera età), temendo ritorsioni and ambushes by potential assassins sent from the future father-in place (the choice at the last minute of that church out of reach for the time - located practically in the middle of a campaign - instead of the more prestigious Cathedral, located in the middle of this a series of paths, which would have facilitated the escape of the hitmen possible, returned to the strategy of self-defense personnel). However, more than those words of Francis were probably his warm voice and intonation to heat up for a White unmistakable message: the story that began between them, would st ata a love story.
followed the ceremony, told emphatically by the press. The bride, dressed in red, bridal and even color of the zodiac, for those born under the sign of Aries, as she had come riding a white horse from the golden mantle. The groom, according to historian John Simonetta , author of Sforziade, testifies that Francis made the journey that led him to the church, preceded by two thousand horsemen teams in a very ornate gold and silver, all made up captains, commanders and team leaders.
After the ceremony, the festivities began, culminating in the sumptuous wedding feast. Guests of high rank, bearing rich gifts had come from all over the Peninsula. Towards the end of the banquet, for the first time in history, in honor of the royal couple had been brought to the table an exquisitely sweet taste again, that the people had racked my brains in devising unison. It was packaged in the shape of the famous bell tower of Cremona, the Torrazzo: Torrone was born.
So far the story, hence the action unfolds mixed with a little imagination staff.
And I like to imagine that the banquet was served in other specialties, which became a classic of 'culinary Cremonese the Salame di Cremona and Sbrisolona . It was almost certainly brought to the table instead of the already classic Mustard Cremona , known at that time for almost two centuries. They had in fact developed the monks of the thirteenth century, scattered in monasteries, so many in the countryside. Looking at ways to keep as long as possible the summer fruits, they had carefully developed the original recipe. So from those early days, cherries, peaches, apricots, pears, figs, melons, etc.., Even if their taste is covered, almost hidden by the strong and pungent taste of mustard, they were able to enjoy it for the rest of ' year.
Of course, here in passing, it should be noted che Bianca Maria Visconti Sforza è stata benevolmente ricordata molto a lungo nella memoria dei cremonesi.
Al termine del banchetto iniziarono balli, gare, sfide, tornei che si protrassero per giorni e giorni, e rimaste impresse nella memoria popolare. La gente, dopo anni e anni di battaglie, di cui erano state teatri quelle campagne, aveva voglia di dimenticare, divertendosi. I ricordi lasciati da quella festa ebbero un tale potere mnemonico che ancora generazioni dopo un cr onista lodigiano ebbe a scrivere: " Fuori Cremona si ballava ... il conte Francesco l'aveva per mano e fu fatta allora quella canzone che dice "Quando per la mano fu presa sotto Cremona" e "Come la bala ben". Un viandante che had wandered to the countries and for those campaigns in decades, perhaps centuries later, would surely feel humming by construction workers and the earth. To recall those days of celebration, for some years, in the second half of November, takes place in Cremona Day Torrone .
And now, Wishing you a Merry Christmas, you sottoporrei kindly to a quiz. This would identify the author and the place where you stored the picture below. E 'Christmas picture with Madonna and Child Jesus, who receive a visit from someone. The quiz has been submitted to the group of university recreation, our readers. They turned to me, hoping they can help. Someone might suggest the answers? Bibliography: The Lady of Milan, Daniela Pizzagalli, BUR Rizzoli, January 2009
The age gap between spouses, age 40 he 17, she had put in serious doubt, one of the malicious and envious, the estate of that union. Instead, in spite, he was happy and lasting union, by the presence of eight children.
Bianca Maria was the only legitimate daughter of Filippo Maria Visconti, the only one, then, that would have been entitled to succeed to the throne. Except that, because of a legacy bequeathed by the great-grandfather, but not found, the kingdom would have to pass from father to son, but only by men. Francis was the natural son of James Attendoli, one of the most famous Italian soldiers of fortune, who had earned the nickname Sforza his weapon master, for the tenacious resistance. The Visconti, unable to get legitimate sons, and since you could pass on the throne only to male line, had seen fit to adopt Francis, then making him marry his daughter. So I promised to marry when she was still only five years, while he was already grown man of twenty-eight years. While waiting for the daughter growing up was ready for the wedding, thought well to relegate her and her mother, his wife, the castle of Be (la futura Abbiategrasso); questo era considerato più sicuro, rispetto la rocca milanese, e pressoché inespugnabile dai soventi attacchi del popolo, provocati da una sua politica spesso vessatoria. Il Castello di Milano, conosciuto all'epoca come Rocca di Porta Giovia, era stato costruito dal nonno di Filippo Maria, Galeazzo II Visconti , negli anni 1358 - 1368; La ricostruzione operata da Francesco Sforza dopo il 1450, in seguito alla devastazione operata dal popolo nel 1447, subito dopo la morte di Filippo Maria Visconti , lo ha portata ad essere quello che è universalmente conosciuto col roboante nome di CASTELLO SFORZESCO . Per inciso, Galeazzo II è also the one to which you must build two works symbol of Pavia: the Visconti Castle el ' Università degli Studi .
But since the Duke's Castle Have not considered very safe, comfortable and just decided to reinforce it, making also set up the rooms that were worthy of welcome his daughter, in the company of his wife. When everything was ready, the engagement took place by proxy between White and Francesco thirty-seven years, and the two women left for the castle you might have. The engaged couple had not seen or known, and neither will you until the day of marriage, what will happen when she will have completed 17 years, l'età minima ritenuta conveniente per un matrimonio regale.
La figlia visse così i dieci anni di trepida attesa, racchiusa tra possenti mura, sognando il suo bel principe azzurro. Venne così il giorno fatidico del pronunciamento. L'umanista Marco Antonio Coccio, soprannominato Sabellico , che, quarant'anni dopo i fatti ebbe a narrare di quel rito nuziale, era perfino informato del discorso che Francesco fece alla fidanzata: " Confesso d'essere entrato in asprissima guerra per mostrare che tutto quello che facevo era per amor vostro; certo io deliberai con animo caldo di morire non potendo acquistarvi. Non cercavo d'offendervi ma di difender me, perchè il duca non mi facesse ingiuria: ora io gli dono la pace e benché mi vediate cinto d'armi pensate d'esser mandata a un quieto et amorevolissimo sposo". Parole di quel discorso e l'accenno alle armi di cui era cinto nel giorno del matrimonio, sono indicative del periodo burrascoso vissuto dallo sposo, e da tutti in generale, durante quel periodo prematrimoniale di dieci anni; un periodo burrascoso dovuto anche al carattere alquanto instabile del duca padre, che sfociava in un andirivieni continuo di promesse e rimangiamenti nel concedergli la figlia in sposa; e le armi di cui era cinto sono il segno evidente che anche quel giorno, pur essendo a casa della sua promessa sposa (Cremona era il suo piccolo regno, che aveva ricevuto in dono dal padre, quando era ancora in tenera età), temendo ritorsioni and ambushes by potential assassins sent from the future father-in place (the choice at the last minute of that church out of reach for the time - located practically in the middle of a campaign - instead of the more prestigious Cathedral, located in the middle of this a series of paths, which would have facilitated the escape of the hitmen possible, returned to the strategy of self-defense personnel). However, more than those words of Francis were probably his warm voice and intonation to heat up for a White unmistakable message: the story that began between them, would st ata a love story.
followed the ceremony, told emphatically by the press. The bride, dressed in red, bridal and even color of the zodiac, for those born under the sign of Aries, as she had come riding a white horse from the golden mantle. The groom, according to historian John Simonetta , author of Sforziade, testifies that Francis made the journey that led him to the church, preceded by two thousand horsemen teams in a very ornate gold and silver, all made up captains, commanders and team leaders.
After the ceremony, the festivities began, culminating in the sumptuous wedding feast. Guests of high rank, bearing rich gifts had come from all over the Peninsula. Towards the end of the banquet, for the first time in history, in honor of the royal couple had been brought to the table an exquisitely sweet taste again, that the people had racked my brains in devising unison. It was packaged in the shape of the famous bell tower of Cremona, the Torrazzo: Torrone was born.
So far the story, hence the action unfolds mixed with a little imagination staff.
And I like to imagine that the banquet was served in other specialties, which became a classic of 'culinary Cremonese the Salame di Cremona and Sbrisolona . It was almost certainly brought to the table instead of the already classic Mustard Cremona , known at that time for almost two centuries. They had in fact developed the monks of the thirteenth century, scattered in monasteries, so many in the countryside. Looking at ways to keep as long as possible the summer fruits, they had carefully developed the original recipe. So from those early days, cherries, peaches, apricots, pears, figs, melons, etc.., Even if their taste is covered, almost hidden by the strong and pungent taste of mustard, they were able to enjoy it for the rest of ' year.
Of course, here in passing, it should be noted che Bianca Maria Visconti Sforza è stata benevolmente ricordata molto a lungo nella memoria dei cremonesi.
Al termine del banchetto iniziarono balli, gare, sfide, tornei che si protrassero per giorni e giorni, e rimaste impresse nella memoria popolare. La gente, dopo anni e anni di battaglie, di cui erano state teatri quelle campagne, aveva voglia di dimenticare, divertendosi. I ricordi lasciati da quella festa ebbero un tale potere mnemonico che ancora generazioni dopo un cr onista lodigiano ebbe a scrivere: " Fuori Cremona si ballava ... il conte Francesco l'aveva per mano e fu fatta allora quella canzone che dice "Quando per la mano fu presa sotto Cremona" e "Come la bala ben". Un viandante che had wandered to the countries and for those campaigns in decades, perhaps centuries later, would surely feel humming by construction workers and the earth. To recall those days of celebration, for some years, in the second half of November, takes place in Cremona Day Torrone .
And now, Wishing you a Merry Christmas, you sottoporrei kindly to a quiz. This would identify the author and the place where you stored the picture below. E 'Christmas picture with Madonna and Child Jesus, who receive a visit from someone. The quiz has been submitted to the group of university recreation, our readers. They turned to me, hoping they can help. Someone might suggest the answers? Bibliography: The Lady of Milan, Daniela Pizzagalli, BUR Rizzoli, January 2009
Francesco Sforza and Bianca: images taken from Google, owner site
Church of San Sigismondo, Cremona, from the website:
Church of San Sigismondo, Cremona, from the website:
NB at the time of marriage the church was only a chapel. The church of San Sigismondo, as we know it today, was built only from 1462, on commission Bianca Maria Sforza Visconti.
Abbiategrasso Castle (I) from the site medieval world
and monitoring of the Dome and, from site
A nice pot of mustard from Dondi collection. It's not advertisements: given to me years ago, is empty, and jealously guards. The facsimile of the photo is taken from the site Demar Food .
Cremona, Festival Torrone, site Marcopolo TV
Last slide: part of the quiz, and I know nothing.
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