"When you walk on the earth after flying, watching the sky because there have been and there you will want to return" (Leonardo da Vinci).
Ho di lui tanti ricordi, ma per quanto io vivrò ce ne sarà uno che mi riporterà a lui più di ogni altro. Negli stessi giorni di gennaio in cui si era aggravato, venendo ricoverato nell'ospedale della sua città, a 300 km di distanza anche mio padre veniva ricoverato quasi in fin di vita. Data l'età e le sue condizioni generali apparse subito molto critiche, noi familiari c'eravamo già preparati al peggio. Pochi giorni fa, invece, nel giorno del suo compleanno i medici, coadiuvati da eccellenti fisioterapisti, han provato a rimetterlo in piedi, e lui, autonomamente, managed to keep straight for a few seconds. Anyone here has so quickly whispered to the "miracle", even going to see who was the saint of the day: St. Peter Damian. Of this saint, and Doctor of the Church, some time ago I wrote a part of his hagiography in this short essay, by uniting the verses of Dante who had sung in heaven.
St. Peter Damian, a figure that would also be very suitable for our times - and remita, Monaco, Cardinal of movement: in love with Christ and the Church - was an enemy of waste and extravagance that took place in the Church of his time, saying che quelle risorse potevano invece essere indirizzate più utilmente per alleviare le sofferenze dei poveri.
En passant, vorrei quindi ricordare i tre punti salienti della sua agiografia, riassunti poeticamente da Dante nel XXI Canto del Paradiso, dal verso 106 e seguenti.
- Era un momento particolarmente difficile per la Chiesa. Erano frequenti casi di simonia e gomorria nell'ambito ecclesiastico. Su questi due argomenti san Pier Damiani scrisse il Liber gratissimus (contro la simonia) e il Liber gomorrhianus. Nel 1057 Stefano IX, anche lui monaco e divenuto papa per forza, lo creò cardinale vescovo di Ostia. Seguì due linee guida poste the center of his apostolic activity, "a return to tradition understood as a yardstick upon which the Church must continuously measure and the reference to the Apostolic See in the help function of truth, because it bears the seal of the Vicar of Christ." "He was the main inspiration behind the famous decree of 1059 which Nicholas II decreed that the papal election was made only by cardinals."
- began to be the cardinal motion. Posted in Milan, with an ingenious solution to put an end to the strike broke out in 1059 that liturgical because "almost all clerics were ordained simoniacamente. Mission accomplished then in France, where he resolved disputes to the extent possible. He was twice a Montecassino, e a Firenze dove fu chiamato per risolvere il caso del vescovo Pietro accusato di simonia. Già vecchio e malato, nel 1069 si recò in Germania davanti all'imperatore Enrico IV e ne impedì il divorzio.
- "Difese la libertà di parola nella Chiesa, il dovere di reciproca correzione fra i suoi membri fino all'ultimo laico". "Diede grande importanza all'aspetto socioeconomico, affermando che i beni della terra appartengono a tutti e che le ricchezze della Chiesa spettano per diritto ai poveri". "Ricordava ai monaci che, se nel comprare un vestito spendono troppo, hanno rubato, perchè si sarebbe potuto aiutare un povero".
between 'two shores of Italy rise cliffs,
and not far distant from your home,
much that thunders far Sonan lower
and form a ridge that called Catria
below which is consecrate a hermitage
Wont to be dedicate to worship only "
Thus unto the third speech,
and then, continuing, said:" There
the service of God I fei so steadfast,
That feeding on the juice of olives Lightly I passed
cold and heat,
Contented 'contemplative thoughts.
Render That cloister
to these heavens Abundantly, and now is empty,
so that it soon must be revealed.
On the subject of great dilemmas, including the minds more devoted to introspection often comes the desire to seek some scientific proof of the existence of God, what had happened in me, and Marcello, and so he had almost decided to venture in such research. The first idea he had when he published the post Entanglement (click to read) , present in his Zibaldino . An article posted by assimilation complicated, but worth reading to get an exact idea of \u200b\u200bwho was really Marcello: addict continuously in deep meditation, then voiced even in the biting cartoons signed Sarcastycon . One of my fleeting attempt is instead found in the post possible scientific proof of God ,
where the bright glare caused by the body of Christ under Tiziano Vecellio , preserved in the church of San Salvador Venice , it seems almost pre-empting and nearly four centuries of abusing the known law of Einstein, whose admirable synthesis is contained in the famous formula E = mc2 .
It appears that in this framework Tiziano wanted unconsciously create their own scientific proof of God's existence: the body mass of Christ, which turns into light, almost by virtue of the famous formula.
's departure at such a young age Marcello (70 years, just completed at the end of January, they were not that many) has always stuck to this project because it gave up, perhaps as a result of a comment by Josh , we had somehow deterred from continuing.
Postilla conclusive.
My daughter, aware of the great friendship between me and Marcello born on the cutting internet, insists urgently for change in the history book, promettendo di darmi una mano. Non prometto nulla, e ci penserò.
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In alto: Marcello - Foto gentilmente offertami dalla famiglia
Seconda foto dal basso: Eremo di Gamogna - Appennino Romagnolo
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