Live blog of March 13, 2010
Oggi si parte con i bianchi...sigla "Satisfaction" con mini coreografia perchè ormai in tre, non si può fare poi molto!!!
Entra Maria accolta da grandi applausi, e ci ricorda che il serale è stato spostato a lunedì sera con tre sfide ad eliminazione diretta, Matteo vs. Pierdavide, Loredana vs. Emma ed Elena vs. Stefano, i tre vincitori andranno direttamente alla finale tra gli altri un ballottaggio che determinerà chi esce nella stessa serata.
Comincia Emma con il suo "Calore", bella canzone che lei interpreta alla grande col pubblico in piedi che segna il tempo applaudendo. Al termine Maria indica un signore sdentato del pubblico, con cappellino in the head on which he wrote with Emma and it read the signs in the dialect of her dedicated and translate them ....
Then Miss Heidi complains in public Emma felt that she gives to be impassive, not to be touched and that never seems to get excited. Mary ensures that many of her tears were not shown, but she and Stephen have been subjected to very often, and explains that Emma feels attacked when you close like a clam. Emma defends herself in a way a little too aggressive, he was right as often happens to those who are often rude. The question is very long .... but despite Maria tries to explain to Emma that a person participating in a talent, is judged not only sings but also as to the character, she remains on its positions as well as the representative of the public! Now
dancing closely followed by Stephen Garrison, which is satisfied for some time because he did not see her so well protected. At the end for him compared with the result that the dispute do not know how to represent himself but needs to Garrison, referring to what we saw yesterday. Even pulling back into Anbeta dance and its supposed coldness, Celentano intervenes saying that they do not know, but that is happy, cheerful and playful. Mary disagrees and says that the description is more suited to that Maria Zaffino Anbeta. Stefano says he is conscious of having had a fall, but is not due to any and nothing happened. Anbeta piccatissima spoke ... that says that the work is serious, but after eating and goes to the bathroom ..... like the others! Maybe it was better not to enter .....
Sing Pierdavide ...." Piazza Grande "... but not from the duet with Loretta??
After reading posters for him in the audience, free from confrontation with the public because they enter the blue.
credits "Imagine" Matteo, Loredana Elena singing accompanied by dancing. This is to stop the show with Jose Amilcar and ... moment of panic .... fall with risk for flights that they do!
Moment guest Irene Grandi.
Elena is criticized by the representative of the public to have snubbed the choreography of Garofalo, when there is the line of those who would like to dance and can not, she defends herself by saying that the beginning was a good relationship with the choreographer, then unfortunately everything has degenerated ... there is no time for replicas because time is running out, and fast facts are present Matthew with "Thou hast taken the heart" and Loretta with a new unreleased version of ... tarantolata much!
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