episode of Friends of March 18, 2010
Monday is the day of the semifinals, the boys and their record companies are preparing for the occasion. Loredana
with Zerbi learn a little bit last night, on average both satisfied although there were some errors in the performances.
It was thought at the "Ocean in winter" as the next song and after listening to the version of the Berte, Loredana gives this song the meaning of a story of the islanders away from the mainland, who says she feels his or record the reference to the loneliness that one feels even in the middle of a metropolis. The 'other piece is "My story in the fingers" by Griggs. After the best wishes of the two separate, but to return to a beautiful house with signed dedication Rudy, accompanied by images of his duet with Dalla, Loredana learned with great emotion that the next will be with the legendary Pino Daniele. In tears and disbelief sees and hears singing through the video, and thanks, saying that this is one of his favorite singers. Emma deals with
Donato i pezzi pensati per lei, un'idea potrebbe essere cantare Vasco Rossi, oppure Ligabue "Certe notti", o Zucchero "Baila Morena" o....addirittura Prince.
Il discografico dice che ormai la gara è nel vivo per cui occorre pensare bene al da farsi, la scelta di Emma sarebbe la canzone di Zucchero, mentre Donato vorrebbe la canzone inglese. Anche lei tornata in casetta rivive l'emozione del duetto con la Oxa, ma poi scopre che il prossimo patner sarà niente meno che Craig David!!!
A questo punto le lacrime scorrono alla grande Emma dice di non avere parole, non sa che dire se non ....grazie. Pensa che ci vorrà un corso intensivo di inglese, quando arriva Stefano condivide con lui la sorpresa, lo fa indovinare e anche lui è stupito happy and wonderful choice. Here comes again with
Zerbi Pierdavide commenting on the performances and the record for the next evening he chose "The lever Football '68" De Gregori, which feels close Pierdavide for content, and "my lady" who should Neffa bring out the ironic that belongs to the songwriter.
For the next evening the teams are dissolved as it is no longer a viable challenge to that effect, so there will be challenges all against all, the kids are delivered brand new red jersey of the semifinal, in the White House is said to be the soul always white .... and sing Jingle Bells .... Matthew says that in the blue house and housemates are always good friends even though opponents, Loredana Like the red, the episode closes with pictures of Matthew in which red curly hair dryer .... no help of his partner .....
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