Monday, January 17, 2011

Three Characteristic Signs Of Anorexia

L 'imposture of Pop Art

In art, as in all other areas, would be time to make a serious commitment to free ourselves from misunderstandings and deceptions, even from real boulders , for too many years, cutting the road who has real talent, beauty depletion of our civilization and make people lose the compass to show pictures only able to degrade humanity and to confuse the perception of the difference between harmony and dissonance, beauty and deformity. Given the junk that is rampant for decades, must think a lot of work, but it is worth wasting any more precious time debating about nothing or, worse, to rummage in the trash? For clarity and close the account with a past of too much ugliness and evil deeds think that would be enough only a few examples of easy to read, reasonably priced and adequately conveyed. One would be devoted to the unmasking of pop art and Andy Warhol's character, that the pop was and remains the most representative. In all likelihood
the definition of Pop Art was coined in England in the late fifties of last century, by Lawrence Alloway, an art critic, author of many reviews that later in New York are heavily involved in launching young "artists" pop. Even though the easy juxtaposition of the adjective folk art (pop it alludes to some and how popular the word ) should give us some useful reflection. It could be rough and the expression of subjects with no talent belonging to lower classes, or art beloved by the people. But in this case, you would understand why the very people for a long time was the class Social more hostile and distrustful of the massive exposure in space and often prestigious designer trash cans, neon tubes Numerous winding and serial images of any meaning. In reality it is the supposed art that a small number of people belonging to a powerful sect that can affect thinking and therefore human behavior in all fields has committed to the people. A all the people. In fact, even more of errors attributable to the informal, abstract and conceptual, the rubbish bins, neon tubes and serial images, far from expressing, like expecting crowds of enthusiastic reviews, a "social critique consumption " for the sole purpose of confusing and depressing the collective aesthetic perception and are part of the same technique used in all other areas by those who tend to gain power by demolishing the foundations of our society, and transforming the masses of people in brutes easily manipulated. A journey back that, precisely, it becomes possible only when the order is less that follows from the existence of the categories of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, the healthy and the pathological that for centuries and centuries, our civilization had always referred to. And at the same time, constitute the process by which the cunning and arrogant, well recorded, measuring their ability by all means to capture the attention of the next or to provoke any reaction, no matter of confusion or refusal to obtain, thanks to the high visibility consequent large royalty income in exchange for little or nothing: "works" only sold to wealthy bourgeois, dazed from the catalogs that enhance the garbage with incomprehensible words and all the others, who take home the junk reproduced in a medium-or low-priced, from which, thanks to the ease of reproduction in large quantities which allows modern technology, we can also derive stratospheric figures.
fool, as I said, it would dedicate more precious time to the storage e all’analisi della miriade di nomi e di “opere” di tanti pretesi artisti del pop. Per il nostro scopo, che resta quello di porre fine a una delle tante imposture e quindi propiziare l’avvento di una nuova stagione, basterà la divulgazione della biografia di Andy Warhol, quella vera, non inventata da biografi falsi o prezzolati. In questa sede possiamo solo mettere in evidenza il collegamento che esiste tra l’irrompere sulla scena di questo modesto grafico pubblicitario, bilioso e paranoico, e il nichilismo pratico oggi dilagante in cui hanno finito per sciogliersi tutte le ideologie del Novecento. Potendo disporre, finalmente, di adeguati strumenti di analisi, risulterà evidente a chiunque come l’ascesa del figlio di emigranti slovacchi a cui continuano a rifarsi le torme di imbrattatori che ancora ci tormentano con i loro ignobili scarabocchi, non fu dovuta né a un inesistente talento ribelle né alla forza di volontà di una madre frustata e ambiziosa, ma all’occhio acuto di chi già negli anni Cinquanta cercava il matto giusto per promuovere la pazzia collettiva e l’uso generalizzato della droga, consapevole di quanto sia facile esercitare tutto il potere su un popolo debole di mente e incapace di scegliere, e sul quale si può riversare qualunque porcheria. Ed è proprio alla necessità di perpetuare questo genere di potere totale e perverso che va ricondotta una circostanza che dovrebbe invece far riflettere: all’immediata and almost universal recognition of the likeness of Andy Warhol and many of the "works" attributed to him, is, as has been said above, a very approximate knowledge if not absolutely vague of what was in reality his life, just as if someone had done to make silencing many eyewitnesses of the many outrages attributable to more false and misleading myths. For example, who among the many lovers of quirky character, he took the trouble to tell us what happened under his sole direction in the legendary Factory founded by him? Social climber, a skilled like few others, Andy was able to emerge from obscurity at a young age becoming the lover of Truman Capote's most famous gay American writer of the early fifties, a fairly predictable formula for achieving notoriety through the back door that he, advertising training, once he had become famous, he decided to sell to the hordes of young people who jostle for the benefits they thought they can get into its orbit. In fact, he promised to all "fifteen minutes of fame" in exchange for a pledge that it would require and which almost always consisted in the exploitation of their bodies or their talent. But as the greed and lack of scruples, after all, were not the worst elements of his nature assolutamente crudele e negativa, spesso il prezzo per non uscire dal cerchio di luce che egli era in grado di accordare saliva a dismisura e molti dei giovani irretiti dalla sua algida personalità e ancor più dalle droghe che nella Factory non mancavano mai, finivano per perdere la salute fisica assieme a quella mentale e, non di rado, anche la loro stessa vita. Mentre lui, cinico e perfettamente lucido (in quanto non personalmente dedito alla droga) era sempre lì, con in mano l’immancabile cinepresa, per filmarne l’abbrutimento derivante dalla decadenza fisica, le indicibili umiliazioni e perfino il momento estremo del trapasso che a volte avveniva a seguito di sfinimento fisico per assunzione di d roghe e altro kind of poison or by suicide, to which he himself had led the unfortunate turn. Why death and the pain of others fascinated him, serene, at least for a while ', his envy congenital as compensation for the cemetery that aspect that nature had given him and that was unpleasant to him.
Begin to shed light on many hidden reality is a prerequisite to blow up the blinders that still prevents more than a glimpse of the abyss to which are still geared almost all expressions of our lives. Finally freed from the constraints field "anti-everything" and bias towards the rare items that over time they tried, always in vain, to indicate places of thought which had been prefigured in all stages of this long process of dismantling of the bases of individual growth and collective coexistence on seeking harmony, you can finally understand what actually was easy to avoid the endless and varied death traps scattered in every corner and all along the roads used by at least two or three of the last generations.
Remaining in the field of art and way of example, just pay attention to the literal meaning of the program points of the manifesto "dada". Born in Zurich in the first decade of the twentieth century, Dada is the current of thought which, in its own right, can be traced back to the pop art and Andy Warhol phenomenon. Nothing can be clearer the watchwords in this proclamation to be implemented, as is evident, despite the claim (indeed already insane) to reject the tradition in all fields, from the artistic , would not lead to freedom of expression but psychiatric hospital. What then, and certainly not by chance has been abolished. The poster reads:
1) To launch a manifesto will need A, B, C, hurling invectives against 1,2,3; excited and sharpen your wings to conquer and spread large and small a, b, c;
2) sign, shouting, swearing, give emphasis to the prose of obviousness absolute, irrefutable, prove its ne plus ultra, arguing that novelty resembles life as much as the last appearance of a cocotte demonstrates the essence of God;
3) With the dada manifesto did not pursue anything, who wrote the manifesto is in principle against the posters. E 'against all the principles. The aim is that you can make contradictory actions simultaneously in a single breath refrigerant;
4) It is in favor of the conflict continues;
5) Dada means nothing;
6) Do not you think you have to give explanations.
useful to pay attention on the first two points. They clearly outline the model of normal behavior which is still trying to silence those who offer a key to understanding different than the current offer or a thought last regeneration.



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